Lesson 16 Conjugation & Sentence Patterns Flashcards
PATTERN: ~てあげる・くれる・もらう
Both て-form + あげる and て-form + くれる
ー giver: は/が
ー recipient: に
For て-form + もらう
て-form + あげる
ー Doing something for the sake of others
- From [I/Subject] going out to [YOU] or [OTHERS]
ー Action was done “on demand” or “as a favor”
て-form + くれる
ー Somebody does something for us
- From [OTHERS] going in to [YOU] or [I/Speaker]
ー Action was done “on demand” or “as a favor”
て-form + もらう
ー we get, persuade, arrange for someone to
do something for us; “receiving” someone’s favor
- person doing action for us is marked
the particle に
ー Action was done “on demand” or “as a favor”
て-form + いただきませんでした
ー POLITE; more that ください
ー Make a request to non-peers or strangers
て-form + くれませんか
ー Equal politeness to ください
ー Derived from くれる
ー Most appropriate to host-family context
て-form + くらない?
ー among peers and friends in a group
~といい ~といいですね ~といいね ~といいんですが ~といんだけど
Use: ー Present tense short/dictionary form + といいですね (POLITE) OR ~といいね (CASUAL) ー to hope something nice happens for someone else
~といいんですが ー To hope for good things FOR YOURSELF; tentative and sounds modest ー といいんですが (POLITE) OR といんだけど (CASUAL)
ー Potential verb form + といいんですが OR
ー to describe WHEN something happens or happened
ー SENTENCE A: the time reference always short tense, but either present or past tense ー SENTENCE B: the Main Event tense is determined if the main event should be DONE by the time reference.
い-adjectives + 時
な-adjective + 時
noun + の + 時
PRESENT TENSE A: ー If A (time reference) is currently happening or yet to happen by the time of B (main event) 「チベットに行く時、ビサをとります。」 「A: By the time I went to China」 「B: I would have bought Oolong tea already」
PAST TENSE A: ー If A (time reference) has been done by the time the main event is reached - main event was the requirement ! 「中国に行った時、 ウーロン茶をかいました」 「A: By the time I went to China」 「B: I would have bought Oolong tea already」
ーて-form verb + すみませんでしいた
ー to describe things you are apologizing for
To Apologize for smth you did NOT do:
ーなくて aka short (-) tense
- ない form but replace い w/ くて