Lesson 15 & 16 Flashcards
What is the “acceptable year of the Lord?”
They year in which the Lord will perform all of these marvels and set about the restoration of Israel
In Jewish tradition, why do people stand when they read the Scriptures?
Because they are standing in the presence of hte Lord (like Gabriel)
According to Josephus, what kind of people did the city of Nazareth attract?
Rebels, Jewish zealots, and exiles from Jerusalem with radical views regarding Rome
Why did Jewish parents often name their children after revolutionary figures?
They desired to see Israel set free in their lifetime
Why were the people of Nazareth so angry with Jesus? Give two (2) reasons
Why were the people of Nazareth so angry with Jesus? Give two (2) reasons
a) Jesus failed to declare the day of vengeance against the Gentiles
b) He declared that Gentiles and not Jews had been cleansed
Why was Jesus accused of not having prophetic powers, despite His reputation?
He allowed a sinner to wash His feet
What exposed the sinfulness of the religious world?
The cross of Christ
How did Jesus correct the vision of the disciples using Moses and the prophets?
He showed them that all that had happened was in line with OT prophecy and part of the plan of God (Luke 24:27)
What story does Luke overlay on top of the narrative in 2 Kings 6:8-23 (in which the Syrian army is struck by blindness)?
The disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-27)
What ultimately leads to the restoration of Israel?
The prophetic spirit, informed by the Spirit of God, responded to by belief and prayer
Finish this sentence:
Luke’s Gospel details how the outsiders to the community of Israel _______________________
Are welcomed in to the community of Israel and Israel is restored
Why was the parable of the Good Samaritan so shocking to Jewish sensibilities?
The Samaritans were a people who were outside the bounds of the covenant of Israel
What is a parable?
A teacher’s way of taking some unknown idea or concept and making it comprehensible or known by using visible, everyday objects
Describe Jesus’ incarnational existence
The unknown, invisible, intangible God being made known by ordinary, everyday human flesh
The three parables contained in Luke 15 are really what?
Only one parable (one concept made known by three ordinary images)
In Luke’s Gospel, in what sort of place were the ninety-nine sheep left?
The wilderness (a place of danger and suffering)
What is Jesus teaching in the parable of the lost coin?
Sometimes people can get lost inside the house of God - yet even there God will seek what is lost
To ask for one’s inheritance early was the same as doing what?
Wishing that your father was dead
In the parable of the two lost sons, the older brother is a metaphor for what?
The Jewish people who would not accept the Christian movement, because it included sinners and Gentiles
The theme “without hindrance,” traced throughout Luke and Acts, finds its culmination in Paul’s ability to do what?
Preach the gospel freely and welcome the outsider into the house of God (Acts 28:31)