Lesson 14 Flashcards
We have studied a lot for the exam
Hemos estudiado mucho para el examen
He has run four marathons
Ha corrido cuatro maratones
They have bought a house near the beach
Han comprado una casa cerca de la playa
I haven’t talked to my parents in two weeks
No he hablado con mis padres en dos semanas
Have you sold your house or not?
¿Has vendido tu casa o no?
She has lost more than fifteen kilos
Ella ha perdido mas que quince kilos
Paco has called the police because his neighbours make a lot of noise
Paco ha llamado la policia porque sus vecinos hacen mucho ruido
The boss has raised my salary
El jefe ha subido mi salario
You haven’t closed the bathroom door.
No has cerrado la puerta del baño
My wife and I have lived here for eight years.
Mi mujer y yo hemos vivido aqui para ocho años
Raquel and Paco have adopted a child
Raquel y Paco han adoptado un niño
Your cat has eaten my fish
Tu gato ha comido mis peces
Your dog has eaten my new shoes
Tu perro ha comido mis zapatos nuevos
My car has stopped and I don’t know why
Mi coche ha parado y no se porque
My parents have decided to return to England
Mis padres han decidido volver a Inglaterra
The curtains have dried in the sun
Las cortinas han secado en el sol
Juan has been very sick in the hospital
Juan ha estado muy enfermo en el hospital
Bruno has been my dentist for ten years
Bruno ha sido mi dentista para diez años
What have you been doing today?
¿Que has estado haciendo hoy?
I’ve been throwing up all morning
He estado vomitando toda la mañana
We have been friends for a long time
Hemos sido amigos para mucho tiempo
Where have you been for your holidays?
¿Donde has ido para tus vacaciones?
They have been waiting for me for two hours
Ellos han estado esperandome dos horas
The cake has been in the fridge all night.
La tarta ha estado en el frigorifico toda la noche
I have been to the dentist today
He ido al dentista hoy
I have been to the mall with friends
He ido al centro comercial con amigos
Maria has seen your father today
Maria ha visto tu padre hoy
Who said that learning Spanish is easy?
¿Quien ha dicho que aprender español es facil?
I don’t know what I’ve done with my passport
Yo no se que he hecho con mi pasaporte
The thieves have broken the kitchen window
Los ladrones han roto la ventana de la cocina
I have written two letters to the city council explaining my situation.
Yo he escrito dos cartas al ayuntamiento explicando mi situacion.
Who has opened the new pizzeria in town?
¿Quien ha abierto la pizzeria nueva en el pueblo?
We have put my mother in a nursing home
Hemos puesto mi madre en una residencia para la tercera edad
My father has made a little wooden house for my daughter
Mi padre ha hecho una casita de madera para mi hija
I had spoken to Maria on the day of the accident
Yo habia hablado con Maria el dia del accidente
He had not read the contract
El no habia leido el contrato
They had rented a house there before
Ellos habian alquilado una casa ahi antes
Juan and Maria had always wanted another child.
Juan y Maria siempre habian querido otro niño
The firefighters had cut off the avenue
Los bomberos habian cortado la avenida
The doctor had changed my medication
El medico habia cambiado mi medicacion
I hadn’t seen one before
Yo no habia visto uno antes
The dog had peed in the kitchen
El perro habia hecho pipi en la cocina
The money had disappeared
El dinero habia desaparecido
They had called the police
Ellos habian llamado la policía
In two years I will have paid off my house
En dos años habré pagado mi casa
In September we will have been married for eleven years
En septiembre habrémos estado casados once años
Wait five minutes, the movie will have finished.
Espera cinco minutos, la pelicula habrá terminado.
With this diet, in just two months, I will have lost fifteen kilos
Con esta dieta, en solo dos meses, habré perdido quince kilos
In October the new iPhone will be out
En octubre el iPhone nuevo habrá salido
With this trip, I will have been to England eight times.
Con este viaje, yo habré ido ocho veces a Inglaterra
In six months the price will have dropped
En seis meses el precio habrá bajado
In 2038 my son will have finished university
En el año 2038 mi hijo habrá terminado la universidad
In two hours the pool will have filled.
En dos horas la piscina habrá llenado
In two years the contract will have expired
En dos años el contrato habrá caducado
I would have…
Yo habria…
You would have…
Tu habrias…
He would have…
El habria…
We would have…
Nos habriamos…
You (lot) would have…
Vos habriais…
They would have…
Ellos habrian…
I would have been/gone through Bilboa.
Habria ido por Bilboa.