Lesson 14- 1 and 2 Corinthians Flashcards
Structure in the background
The city of Corinth
Green vapors and ominous sky
Idolatry, immorality, and paganism of the vilest nature characterized this ancient greek city
Group of people (forefront)
In the midst of this pagan and materialistic culture lived a band of believers called the Corinthian church; Paul, through two letters, encourages the fellowship at Corinth to demonstrate by attitude and act the highest Christian virtues
Column on right
First letter to the Church at Corinth
Columns are separated
Paul rebukes the church for permitting worldly factions to develop within it
Figure holding books
Paul warns the believer against putting undue emphasis on human wisdom
Figure in dark cloak
Paul expressed deep concern over the immortality in the church and advises church discipline to deal with the threat
Figure holding gavel
Paul points to the folly of lawsuits between believers
Woman in wedding veil
Paul offers counsel on marriage and divorce
Stone on monument ledge (center)
Paul praises Christian liberty, but cautions believers against permitting that liberty to become a stumbling block for unbelievers or others in the faith
Figure with clasped hands (left center)
Paul reminds the saints that God’s power is more than adequate to meet every temptation
Figure holding chalice and bread
Paul laments the misuse of the Lord’s Supper
Figure with multicolored garment
Paul compares the Church to a body with many members, each member having a different function
Prism on manuscript
People each have different gifts, but all are to be used to build up the Body of Christ
Figure aiding fallen person
Paul asserts that love is the pre-eminent virtue of the Christian life
Figure with hand at forehead
Paul answers the questions which have been raised relative to the resurrected body.
Dual columns (left)
The second letter to the church at Corinth
Descending dove on column
Paul declares and demonstrates the God’s grace is sufficient for all things
Crown on column
Paul proclaims that those in Christ become new creatures
Grain sheaf on column
Paul acquaints the church with the motives and attitudes which accompany true Christian giving