Lesson 13 Flashcards
People’s Republic of China lai, chhoTkarimaa China bhanchha
ChoTkarimaa bhannus
In short/in brief
I’m short, the People’s Republic of China is just called China
Please just tell in brief /summary
…ko saTTaa (maa)
Ma gaDi ko saTTaa motorbike maa janchuu.
Bhat bhateni maa Nepali cash ko saTTaamaa card chalau(daa) hunchha
Instead of/in place of
Instead of car I (will) go by motorbike
At bhat bhateni instead of Nepali cash one (can) use card
Mero aarthik awastha ramro chaina
Mero gaaDi ko awastha tik chaina
Uhaa ko swastha ko awastha tik chha
Nepal ko aarthik awastha khamjhor chha tara Canada ko baliyo chha
My financial situation is not good
My car’s condition is not good
His health condition is good
Nepal’s economic situation is weak but Canada’s is strong
1.futsal kelne niyam kasto hunchha?
- Hindu Dharma ko niyam dherai chha
- Niyam palan garnus
- Buddhist dharma ko niyam palan garnu garo chha
- Hamile Nepal Saarkar ko niyam palan garena bhane, hamilai samasya auchha
- Tapaile Tapaiko dharma ko sabai niyam palan garena bhane, tapailai Ke hunchha?
- How are the rules for futsal?
- Your Hindu religion has a lot of rules
- (Please) obey/follow the rules
- Buddhist rules are very hard to follow/obey
- We will have trouble if we don’t follow the Nepali government’s rules
- What happens to you if you don’t obey/follow all your religion’s rules?
- Barshaat kaal maa lagaataar barsa hunchha (paani parchha)
- Bible maa Paul le hamilai lagaataar pratna garnu sikaunu hunchha
- Ramro sanga guitar bajaunu ho/chha bhane lagaataar practice garnu parchha
- in the Monsoon season it continuously rains (rain falls continuously)
2 in the Bible Paul teaches us to pray continuously
- To play guitar well, one must practice continuously
- Hamro Parmeshor mahaan Parmeshor hunuhunchha
- Mahaan aguwa
- Our God is a great God
- Great leader
- Indian passport maa dherai des ghumna sakchha, tyasaigari American passport maa pani ghumna sakchha
- One can visit many countries on an Indian passport. Similarly, one can also on an American passport
- Yesule huri bataas lai shanta paarnu bhayo
- Yesule biraami harulai niko paarnu bhayo
- Doctor le malai aausadi diera/ chalaaera niko paarnu bhayo
- Jesus caused the storm to be quiet
- Jesus caused the sick people to be healed
- The doctor healed me by giving/using medicine
- Malai aloo baahek sabai sabji mann parchha
- Malai barshatkaal baahek sabai season mann parchha
- Malai Nepal ko bato ko awasta ra saarkaari niyam baahek Nepal ko sabai kura mann parchha
Apart from/beside
- Apart from potatoes, I like all veggies
- Besides monsoon I like all seasons
- Besides Nepal’s road conditions and the government’s rules I like everything about Nepal
- Nepal ko mukhya samasya Nepali saarkaar ko awasta ko karan ho
- Even though we do business in Nepal our main purpose is telling Nepali people the gospel/about Jesus
- Nepal’s main problem is due to its government situation
- Hami Nepal maa business garne bhayeta pani, hamro mukhya udeshya nepali maanche lai susamachaar/ Yesu Christ barre sunaunu ho.
to agree
justai gari
For example…