Lesson 13 Flashcards
what is epigenetics specifically relating to nucleotides?
how cells interpret what is written on DNA → not the sequence of the nucleotides but the information deposited on top of them
what the most modern way to define epigenetic?
any process that changes the activity of a gene without altering the nucleotide sequence of composition → alteration must be transferred to daughter cells
what two mechanisms are involved in epigenetic?
DNA methylation and histone composition
the number of genes in humans is almost the same as in Drosophila however we are much more complex - how is this possible?
our genes have much more regulation
what is a third mechanism that some consider to be part of epigenetics, but Prof. Landsberger does not consider to be a main factor?
non-coding RNAs
in terms of the complexity of genome regulation, what is the most important function in gene regulation ?
silencing genes seems more important than activating (ex: improper activation of proliferation genes leading to tumor development)
what mechanisms are in place in order to better control gene expression?
presence of the nucleus and chromatin
describe the idea of the nucleus being a checkpoint for mRNA:
if a gene must be translated, its mRNA will pass through the nuclear
pore and go to the cytoplasm where it will be translated, but if a gene must not be translated its mRNA is degraded in the nucleus before going into the cytoplasm
what has been discovered for sure in research about mRNA and the nucleus?
evidence that there are big differences (in particular for some disorders) between the mRNA in the nucleus and the ones in the cytoplasm
how much does chromatin structure repress gene expression?
by 50x
describe transcription in relation to chromatin in prokaryotic cells:
most of the transcription is a basal P transcription: the DNA is almost naked and therefore transcription depends only on RNA Polymerase and on the sequence of the promoter (while only sometimes there’s the regulation of gene expression by activators or repressors)
describe transcription in relation to chromatin in eukaryotes:
the promoter (TATA box and the core promoter) is assembled into nucleosomes, so TBP is unable to bind the TATA box, meaning that there’s no transcription going on
what is a major difference between chromatin interaction and gene expression between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
all of our DNA is repressed and the cell activates only what it needs
what does epigenetics allow us to do?
permits us to fine tune our gene expression and it mainly introduces repressing mechanisms to repress what is not needed
describe the number of genomes compared to epigenomes:
1 genome, many epigenomes
what is epigenetics?
a code that is dynamic and flexible → it is affected by the environment
in the first experiment studying epigenetics, describe the two types of mouse mothers:
high LG (licking and grooming) and low LG
what were the results of the first mouse experiment in terms of the type of mother the baby became and how well it handled future stress?
the babies from good mothers grew up less sensitive to stress and became good mothers ; the babies from low LG mothers were more sensitive to stress and more likely to develop cardiovascular issues, also bad mothers to their babies
what did they discover biologically to be the difference between high LG and low LG babies?
if the mother was high LG, the gene promotors were not methylated, if the mother was low LG, the same promotor was methylated
when does the methylation of the specific promotor occur in the mouse study?
within the first 6 days of life → correlates to the first 3 years in humans
brain samples from patients with different childhoods and background were observed, and what was found?
those with trauma did have differences from the rest of the population
at the end of the primary mouse experiment, they treated the animals with some drugs that effect epigenetics: what was the result?
they could revert the phenotype in some cases, proving that the role of epigenetics in the development of a phenotype
what was the discovery of the second experiment studying monozygotic twins?
the epigenetic patterns can change affecting also the sensitivity to some diseases → If two monozygotic twins are divided, they have a different
epigenetic pattern compared to a couple of monozygotic twins that has not been divided.
in the third study which analyzed two twins working at NASA (one went into space and the other remained on earth), what did they discover?
the epigenetics changes depending on the two situations → the one who went in space came back to the Earth, most of the epigenetics and gene expression quickly went back to the normal level
what was the main takeaway from the third experiment dealing with the NASA twins?
environment is affecting but we are also very much dynamic
what are the three main players in epigenetics?
writers, readers, and erasers
what are writers?
enzymes that modify the histones or DNA
what are readers?
protein that binds to a histone or nucleotide only because it has a specific modification, and after this binding they exert their function
since epigenetics is not stable, what else does it have besides readers and writers?
erasers → can change our epigenetic modifications in order to adapt to new situation
what percentage of epigenetics is transferred from one cell to the daughter cells?
what are histones important for?
nearly every fundamental process in an organism
what are the 4 main functions of chromatin?
-Helps during cell division by decompressing DNA that can be divided into two new cells (permits a correct inheritance of genomic content in each cell division)
-Packing DNA so that it can fit in the nucleus
-Regulates transcription by strengthening/weakening and therefore restricts/allows DNA information to be transcribed into RNA (regulates gene expression)
-DNA protection from degradation/breakage/somatic recombination
what is the structure of chromatin?
made of repeating units made up of 147 bp of DNA that make 1.7 turn around the core of histone proteins. The histone core is an octamer composed of 2 copies of each of the four core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4
what occurs if chromatin structure is very tight?
some transcription factors cannot interact with specific DNA regions because DNA is not accessible at this point
even if the binding sites for transcription factors are on the outside of the DNA-chromatin structure, what can occur?
they still cannot interact due to the difference in conformation
why is chromatin structure very repressive?
due to all of the wrapping around the histones → if the transcription factor has to insert in between this region, the two coils block this process, thus the transcription factor might not be able to insert
what is the core histone domain composed of?
made by 3 ⍺-helices and an N-terminal tail that has no structure
when experiments are done to understand histone function, what area is cloned?
the histone proteins that do not have a tail
what can the first level of chromatin structure (the first 10nm fibers) be formed by?
only using the histone fold domain / core histones
what are the histone fold domains / core histones?
a protein-protein interaction domain that stabilizes the interaction between histones → also called the N-shape domain which contains a long alpha helix in the middle and two sides
how can you prove that DNA/proteins are on the inside or outside of a structure?
You treat it with hydrolytic enzymes, such as DNAse1 or protease1 → If you add a little amount of these enzymes, they will digest it into smaller, more accessible parts
what are histone tails important for?
the subsequent levels of chromatin organization
what are histone tails the most important sites for?
post-translational modification
How can you prove that nucleosomes are inhibitory for binding of transcription factors?
using electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)
in an EMSA, what is the shift in mobility indicative of?
the binding of your protein of interest
what can most translation factors not bind to?
nucleosomal DNA
what is Pu1?
central transcription factor for hematopoietic differentiation
experimentally Pu1 is associated with about 60% of the total possible consensus sites, but the other 40% are not bound - why?
they are assembled into the nucleosome → Pu1 binding is limited and controlled by the nucleosome = because of steric hindrance nucleosomes are avoiding the binding of TF to sequences that they are not supposed to bind to
what is another in vitro technique that can be used to determine if a protein is bound to DNA?
In vivo, what technique is used to prove that a protein is bound to a specific gene sequence?
chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
How does ChIP work?
ChIP involves cross-linking of the chromatin-bound proteins by formaldehyde (you do so in order to precipitate DNA as well, not only proteins), followed by sonification or nuclease treatment to obtain small DNA fragments
what question does ChIP seek to answer?
is the protein binding to a specific promotor?
what question does ChIP-Seq answer?
where does the protein bind all over the genome
after the cross-linking of chromatin-bound proteins occurs in ChIP, what happens?
immunoprecipitaion is carried out using specific antibodies to the DNA binding protein of interest → DNA is then released from the proteins and analyzed
describe promotor regions in relation to nucleosomes:
they can have precisely positioned nucleosomes or be devoid of them
what is the PHO5 promotor?
promotor from yeast that is sensitive to phosphates
how does PHO5 react to phosphates?
when phosphate is high the promotor doesn’t transcribe, when its low it does transcribe
what PHO TF has to bind in order to activate transcription?
how is PHO4 regulated?
the PHO4 protein is regulated by phosphate itself - when this protein is not phosphorylated it binds, instead when it is phosphorylated it doesn’t bind
Nucleosomes are distributed in specific positions, in order to have a binding-site for Pho4 that is maintained free (naked), in the linker DNA. On the other hand, the second site is occluded by nucleosomes - why?
When we are in the presence of little phosphate, everything is opened up. No more nucleosomes are there, and TFIIB can bind. When there is no phosphate, PHO4 is active, binds a protein that recruit chromatin remodelling complexes that modify the chromatin structure, and eventually, chromatin structure opens up
If we look at PHO5 expression in a cell that is depleted of nucleosomes, you will find out that the gene is transcribed even when phosphate is high - why?
That’s because the TATA box is free and TFIIB can bind it → also, because there is a consensus site that is very similar to the consensus site of a house-keeping transcription factor