Lesson 12 Flashcards
how much is still left?
Addesh ba3d fi?
What is your nationality? Where are you from?
I am italian / I come from Italy
Shou jensiytak?/ Men wén enta?
Ana jensiyte Italiyye/ Aan men Italia/ Ana Itale
How long have you been in NL?
I have been in holland for 4 years
Addéch sarlak 3ayech bi Hollanda/Amsterdam?
Ana sarle 4 sniin bi hollanda/ Ana sarle bi hollanda 4 sniin.
Where do you live in Amsterdam?
I live in jordaan by the west of hte city
Wén 3aayech halla2 bi Amsterdam? Ana 3aayesh bi Jordaan bi gharb Amsterdam
What is your favourite day of the week?
My favorite day of the week is friday
Ayya nhar bel jom3a afdal nhar la elak?
Ana bfaddel el jom3a- Afdal nhar (3ande) houwe yom/nhar el jom3a.
What day is tomorrow?
Boukra ayya nhar?/ Boukra shou?
Boukra nhar el khamiis.
Conjugation in the present tense: to say
verb: ‘ 2aal’
Ana b2oul
Enta bet2oul/ Ente bet2oule
Houwwe bi2oul/ Hiyye bet2oul
Ne7na men2oul
Ento bet2oulo
Henne bi2oulo
El jame3
Al jaami3a (el jém3a)
Mashghouloun /iin
uni student
Taalibaat /eet
House / pl
Bouyout / Byout (leb)
Night / pl
layaalii (leb: layélé).
new / pl
jdiid jadiidoun (Leb: jdéed)
teacher / teachers
mou3allem / moudarres ()
mou3allimouun-iin/ moudarrisoun-iin (teachers)
engineer / engineers
Mouhandes - mouhandisoun-iin (leb: mhandsiin)
Car / cars
Classic Sayyaara(t) - sayyaraat
Leb: siyyara/ sayyara - siyyaraat
Book / books
Classic: Kitaab - Koutoub
Leb: Kteeb - Kotob
Street / streets
Classic: Tariik - tourouk
Leb: Tarii2 - Toro2
C: A7mar - 7omour
L: A7mar/ 7amra—7omor
C: Asfar - soufour
L: Asfar/ safra—Sofor
C: Azrak - zourouk
L: Azra2/ zar2qa - Zere2
Room / rooms
C: Ghourfa(t) - Ghouraf
L: ghorfe(t) - Ghoraf
Toy / Toys
C: Lou3ba(t)— lou3ab
L: le3be(t)—Le3ab
Pen / Pens
Kalam: 2alam (masc)
Lesson / Lessons
Dares / Daresoun (masc)
Exam / Exams
Imti7aan (masc)——- (exams)
Paper / Papers
Warak: war2a (fem)—— (papers)
Page / Pages
Saf7a(t) (fem)——— (pages)
Plane / Planes
Tayyara: Tiyyara (fem) ———(planes)