lesson 12/04 Flashcards
someone who has a strong, irrational fear or hatred of smth
a phobic
having the ability or qualities necessary for
to be capable of
ability, power, strength, facility; size, room, range
unevenness, bias, inequality, unfairness
careful, guarded, alert, wary
to be cautious
give smth more importance than it deserves
have a tendency to be affected by smth or to do it
to be prone to doing smth
quickly, instantly, immediately
at a moment’s notice
within a short period of time
at short notice
испытывать сильные панические атаки
suffer from severe panic attacks
приобретенный рефлекс
conditioned reflex
change situation or problem, returning it to its original state or improving it
reverse the conditioning
установить позитивные ассоциации
establish positive associations
постепенно подвергать действию чего-либо
expose gradually to smth
vulnerability, subjection, susceptibility