Lesson 11 - OCD Symptoms Flashcards
What is OCD?
It is Obsessive Compulsive Order.
What are the behavioural characteristics of OCD?
Compulsive behaviours;
Hinder everyday functioning;
Social impairment;
What are the emotional characteristics of OCD?
Anxiety and distress;
Accompanying depression;
Guilt and disgust
What are the cognitive characteristics of OCD?
Recognised as self generated;
Realisation of inappropriateness;
Attention bias
What are compulsive behaviours? (Behavioural)
These are behaviours that are created to reduce the anxiety created by obsessions. They are often repetitive and unconcealed, such as hand washing or checking things. Patients feel they must perform these actions otherwise something dreadful might happen.
The behaviours are external components that can be seen by others.
What is “hindering everyday functioning”? (Behavioural)
This is where their compulsions hinder their every day life. For example, if someone is late for work due to them obsessively washing their hands, then this is the hindering of everyday functioning.
What is social impairment? (Behavioural)
The anxiety levels created by the obsessions, will interrupt social relationships. For example, the obsessive washing of hands would cause issues socially, as they may not be able to hold conversations or social interactions properly.
What are repetitive behaviours? (Behavioural)
They feel that they must repeat the behaviours in order to calm and quell their emotions.
What is avoidance? (Behavioural)
Some OCD sufferers reduce their anxiety by avoiding situations that would trigger their OCD. e.g. sufferers that constantly wash their hands would avoid germs.
What is Anxiety and Distress? (Emotional)
The obsessions and compulsions cause a great deal of anxiety. The sufferers are aware that their behaviour is abnormal, and may suffer from embarrassment. A lack of control over their compulsive behaviours may also cause distress.
What is accompanying depression? (Emotional)
OCD is often accompanied by depression. Anxiety is often accompanied by low mood and a lack of enjoyment. This causes depression, and is a key part of accompanying depression.
What is guilt and disgust? (Emotional)
OCD sometimes involves other negative emotions such as irrational guilt over minor issues, or unnecessary disgust at a small amount of dirt.
What are obsessions? (Cognitive)
These are recurring, intrusive thoughts and impulses that are viewed as inappropriate or forbidden.
It may be frightening to share these obsessions with others.
Obsessions are uncontrollable and cause extreme anxiety.
The person can realise that their obsessions are unreasonable.
What is recognised as self generataed? (Cognitive)
Most sufferers are entirely aware that their obsessions are self inserted, and not external at all.
What is realisation of inappropriateness? (Cognitive)
Most sufferers understand that their behaviour is inappropriate and irrational, but cannot consciously stop them.
What is Attention Bias? (Cognitive)
Their life perception is based upon the anxiety inducing stimuli. The sufferer will focus on the stimuli rather than everything else. They are hyper vigilant over this.