Lesson 11 Flashcards
I work to have money
Trabajo para tener dinero
The book is for Ana
El libro es para Ana
The bus left for El Paso, Texas
El autobús sale para El Paso, Texas
in addition
Expresses time during which an action takes place:
We go to visit her for the afternoon.
I am thinking to study in Ecuador for three months.
Vamos a vistarla por la tarde
Pienso estudiar en Ecuador por tres meses
Expresses because of, in exchange for, on behalf of:
The pilot had to land unexpectedly for an emergency.
Do you want 5 dollars for this tie?
He did it for his mother.
El piloto tuvo que aterrizar inesperadamente por una emergencia.
Quieres cinco dólares por esa corbata?
Lo hizo por su madre
Express motion (through, by, along, around)
I passed by your house last night.
The girls left through the front door.
Pasé por tu casa anoche.
Las chicas salieron por la puerta central.
Expresses means or manner by which an action is accomplished (by)
They traveled to Quito by plane
The house was built by the architect
Viajaron a Quito por avión
La casa fue construida por el arquitecto
Expresses the object of an action (for)
We will come for you at two.
The students went for the ice cream.
Venimos por ustedes a las dos.
Los estudiantes fueron por el helado.
around there
por ahí/allí
for now
por ahora
around here
por aquí
by the way
por cierto
for God’s sake
por Dios
that’s why
por eso
for example
por ejemplo
por fin
por lo general
por lo visto
por poco
of course
por supuesto
por último
expresses goal purpose recipient or destination
This present is for you.
Tomorrow we go to México.
They study to be teachers.
We come to the house to eat.
Este regalo es para ti.
Mañana nos vamos para México
Estudian para maestras
Vamos a casa para comer
Expresses time limits or deadlines (for, by)
I need the ticket for this afternoon.
I think I have to be in Acapulco by the month of June.
necesito el pasaje para esta tarde
pienso estar en Acapulco para el mes de Junio.
Expresses comparison with others
For him those languages are very easy.
For five year olds she is very tall
Para él los idiomas son muy fáciles.
Para tener cinco años, ella es muy alta
Expresses readiness(to be about to do something) when used with estar + infinitive
I am ready to leave
The plane is ready to take off.
Estoy listo para salir.
El avión está listo para despegar.