Lesson 10 Flashcards
Preferred Stock
Preferred stock has some sort of preference over common stock, which must be spelled out in the corporation’s articles.
Authorized Stock
Authorized Stock is the number of shares a corporation may issue. The “authorized stock” figure appears in the corporation’s articles of incorporation.
Par Value
Par value is a completely arbitrary assignment of value to a corporation’s shares. If a corporation’s shares have a par value (today, no state requires that they do), that value must appear in the corporation’s articles of incorporation.
Watered Stock
Watered stock is stock improperly exchanged for property or services that are overvalued, such that the corporation receives inadequate consideration for the shares.
Preemptive Rights
Preemptive rights” give existing shareholders the right to acquire new stock, of the same class, in proportion to their existing stock ownership when the corporation issues new shares.