Lesson 1: The Universe Flashcards
The Sun is one of these
Millions of stars together, like the Milky Way.
There are 8 in our Solar System.
All the galaxies and everything else that exists.
The planets and other bodies are orbiting the sun.
Solar System
When was the universe created?
10-15 billion years ago
A huge explosion sent the entire universe flying out at incredible speeds.
The Big Bag
The idea that the Universe was suddenly born and is
not infinite.
The Big Bang Theory
Approximately 13.8 billion years ago
there was an _______, and from that
all things came to be.
The Big Bag Theory is a scientific theory about how the ______started,
The universe began as a very hot,
small, and dense superforce called a ________
Singularity (energy, matter, forces of nature, and space were wrapped up in this)
This is radiation remaining from the Big Bang explosion and fills the whole of the Universe.
cosmic microwave background radiation(CMB)
a way astronomers use to tell the distance of any object that is very far away in the Universe
red shift (this proves that stars and galaxies are moving away from each other)
The theory that says divine power brings forth new beginnings
Divine Creation Theory (emphasizes the power of a creator, Diety, or God)
act/s by which the world came into existence out of nothing
Who used Einstein’s theory of relativity to explain the Big Bang?
Georges Lemaitre
Two elements that were abundant after the big bang
hydrogen and helium
(T/F)The Big bang Theory suggests that the universe has a boundary and center
Hypothetical elementary particles in the universe
quarks and gluons
The theory that states the universe is infinite in time
steady state theory
Who proposed the steady state theory?
Fred Hoyle
The theory that says the universe continues to expand and collapse
Oscillating theory
proof that universes collapse
blue shift
Who discovered that the galaxies are moving apart from one another.
Who created the equation e=mc^2
Who proposed two models((1) closed universe and (2) open universe)
Aleksandr Friedmann
Time and space both began with a big bang and will end when gravity stops the universe and pull everything back into
one point
Closed Universe
Universe began with a big bang and will continue to expand forever
Open universe
A telescope was named after who?
Vesto Slipher found that the light from the
nebulae had frequencies ____ than normal light
when light moves towards the
red end of the visible light spectrum
red shift
This is observed whenever the source of waves is moving relative to an observer.
Doppler effect
Rate at which universe is expanding
Hubble constant(Ho)