Lesson 1 Terminology Flashcards
In an agency relationship, the agent’s statutory duty is to account to the principal.
Actual Fraud
Intentional misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact; when a person actively conceals material information or makes statements known to be false or misleading. (Also called Deceit)
A relationship in which a real estate broker or licensee, whether directly or through an affiliated licensee, represents a consumer by the consumer’s consent, whether express or implied, in a real property transaction.
Agency Disclosure
The legal obligation of a licensee to disclose the relationship that a agent has with a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction, if any.
An area of law concerned with maintaining competition in private markets by prohibiting any restraint on trade.
Any person authorized to act for another by a power of attorney (not necessarily an attorney-at-law).
A business concept premised primarily on bringing parties together for the purpose of a transaction.
Buyer’s Agent
An agent representing the interests of the buyer of a property.
A person who grants another person (an agent) authority to represent him or her in dealings with third parties.
Confidential Information
Any information obtained by a licensee from a client during the term of a brokerage agreement that (i) was made confidential by the written request or written instruction of the client, or (ii) deals with the negotiating position of the client, or (iii) is information the disclosure of which could materially harm the negotiating position of the client, unless at any time, (1) the client permits the disclosure of information given by that client by word or conduct; (2) the disclosure is required by law; or (3) the information becomes public from the source other than the licensee. Note that material information about the physical condition of the property shall not be considered confidential information.
The protection of the client’s confidential information.
Constructive Fraud
A negligent misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact; when a person carelessly fails to disclose material information, or makes false or misleading statements. (Also called: Negligent Misrepresentation)
Contemporaneous Offers
Offers to purchase or lease on behalf of two or more clients represented by the same designated agent for the same real estate parcel or unit that the designated agent knows, or has known, or has reason to know will be taken under consideration by the owners or owner’s representative at the same time.
A consumer who is not being represented by the licensee but for whom the licensee is performing ministerial acts.
Designated Agency
A contractual relationship between a sponsoring broker and a client in which one or more licensees associated with or employed by the sponsoring broker are designated as an agent of the client.
Designated Agent
A sponsored licensee names by a sponsoring broker as the legal agent of a client as defined in Section 15-50 of the Illinois Real Estate Act.
The obligation to reveal points or facts in a real estate transaction.
Dual Agency
An agency relationship in which a licensee is representing both buyer and seller or both landlord and tenant in the same transaction. When the agency relationship is a designated agency, the question of whether there is dual agency shall be determined by the agency relationship of the designated agent of the parties and not of the sponsoring broker.
Dual Agent
A licensee who represents both the buyer and the seller (or the landlord and the tenant) in a real estate transaction.
Expressed Agency
Agency relationship based on an expressed agreement, either written or oral.
Fiduciary Relationship
A relationship of trust and confidence, in which one party owes the other (or both parties owe each other) loyalty and a higher standard of good faith than is owed to third parties.