Lesson 1: Political, Socioeconomics & Religious Background of New Testament Palestine Flashcards
What do you call the period in between the Old Testament and the New Testament?
The Silent Years or The Intertestamental Period
How long was the Intertestamental Period?
400 years
What do you call another name for the Intertestamental period?
The Silent Years
What were the two perspectives about the coming Messiah?
- He will come from the line of David
- God the Father will come
What do you call the Jewish festival that celebrated the cleansing of the Temple?
What do you call the religious sect during the Hellinistic Period that were composed of “elite” priests?
What do you call the religious sect that arose in the Hellinistic Period that were composed of priests that had a strict interpretation of the Jewish law?
What do you call the people in this religious sect wherein they detach themselves from the greater civilization in order to study the law?
What do you call the authoritative list of books accepted as Holy Scripture?
What do you call the process in which the books of the Bible were discovered to be authoritative?
What were three things that were prominent during the New Testament?
Greek Culture
Hebrew Religion
Roman Occupation
What was the order of empires that preceded after the end of the Old Testament?
What do you call the small temples that Jews were to go if they are far from the temple?
Who was the one that was appointed as the “King of the Jews” by the Roman Emperor?
Who were the ones that forced the Jews to receive the Greek Gods but were later ousted of power by the Maccabean revolt?
Who was the leader of the Maccabean revolt?
Judas Maccabees
What are the four Gospels?
Who was the gospel of Matthew intended for?
Who was the Gospel of Luke intended for?
Who was the Gospel of Mark intended for?
Who was the Gospel of John intended for?
For the majority
What does the book of Acts tell of?
Life and the spread of the early church
Who was the general that united the east and west politically, opened the way for the spread of Greek Culture and built 70 new cities under the greek model?
Alexander the Great
Who was the one who punished those attempted of resistance when he attacked Jerusalem and erected a statue of Zeus in the Temple?
What prompted the Maccabean Revolt?
The slaughter of a thousand jews who hid in the caves
It is the celebration of the purification of the new temple
Who was the first Roman Emperor
Octavian or Caesar Augustus
The program under Augustus in which established a new era of peace and stability by securing borders and building roads.
pax Romana
Which Roman Emperor was Jesus born into?
Octavian or Caesar Augsustus
Which emperor oversaw Jesus’ life, death, ministry and the early christian movement.
Which emperor saw the spreading of the gospel?
Gaius Caligula
He was the one who expelled Jews from Rome
He was the one who blamed the Christians during the fire
He was the one who started building the colloseum
The emperor of Rome that made the persecution come to its height.
What do you call the collection of writings that were not necessarily written with the intention of becoming sacred?
The New Testament
How many letters did Apostle Paul wrote?
14 Letters
Another name for the New Testament
The New Covenant
The latin phrase in which the term “the new testament” was based on
Novum Testamentum
The Four Major Categories of the New Testament
The Gospels
The Historical Writings
The Epistles
The Apocalyptic Writings
How will the New Testament come to its conclusion?
The start of God’s eternal reign
How did the Galileans live?
How did Judeans live
What languages were used during the time of New Testament Palestine?
Who includes the Upper Class?
The Ruler Class
The Governing Class
The Retainer Class
The Merchant Class
The Priestly Class
Who is part of the lower class?
The peasant class
The artisan class
The unclean class
The degraded class
The expendable class
contractual relation
Patron-Client relations
What does the Patron do in a Patron-Client relation?
provide support and protection
What does the Client do in a Patron-Client relation?
loyalty, service and political support
What is the main goal of a Peasant?
to survive
Wht kind of society does Jesus live in?
Agrarian Society
Limited-good Society
Slave Society
The two core values during Jesus’ Time
Honor and Shame
What do you call the term for a patriarchal family system?
Pater Familias
What do you call the bandit-like groups that rose from the ranks of the peasants, who robbed the rich and gave to the poor?
Brigands (Social Bandits)
These are figures that were influenced by apocalyptic thought.
Popular Prophets
Hebrew term meaning “the annointed one”
The Messiah
These are groups of nonviolent, activist individuals.
Fourth Philosophy
They were urban-based guerrilla terrorists known for their assassinations
These are revolutionary groups known for their zeal and their goal of disposing the aristocracy.
It is a revelatory narrative that sends a message from the supernatural world by means of a mediator
Two topics in apocalypses
- God condemns the evil
- Info about new world that will replace the old one
What do you call the place that was central to the religious life of the people and are places of communion, reconciliation with God through Sacrifices
The Temple
Main function of the temple
The upkeep of daily sacrifices
Who is the head of the priestly rights in the temple?
The High Priest
The most important role of the high priests
Officiate the Atonement
A feast celebrated at the time of the great harvest that came to symbolize the story of the wilderness wanderings.
The feast that commemorated the event wherein the angel of death passed-over their houses.
The other feast that came to be later associated with the Passover
The Feast of the Unleavened Bread
Originally a celebration of the fertility of the land, is now associated with the ten commandments. In the NT it was associated with the Pentecost
This celebrates the King’s ascent to the Throne
Rosh Hashanah
what do you call the only prescribed fast in the Hebrew Scriptures
The Day of Atonement
The day of rest, that commemorated when God rested after creating the world.
The place for assembly and worship
Other name for Jerusalem