Lesson 1: Philosophical Flashcards
What’s the Latin word for ‘love’?
What’s the Latin word for ‘Wisdom’?
People who questioned what makes up the Earth
First to ever engage in a systematic questioning about the self
Believes that a Man is composed of two components: 1) Body - imperfect
2) Soul - perfect
“I know that I do not know” Recognizing one’s ignorance that a person can truly know oneself
Student of Socrates
Added 3 components of the soul.
The thinking soul according to Plato
Rational Soul
The feeling soul according to Plato
Spirited Soul
The desire/impulse soul according to Plato
Appetitive Soul
Body is bound to die on Earth; while Soul is to anticipate living eternally with God
St. Augustine
Supported Aristotle’s idea that the man is composed of Matter and Form
Thomas Aquinas
Latin word for Matter
Latin word for Form
Believes that the soul is what animates the body
Thomas Aquinas
Father of Modern Philosophy
Rene Descartes
Believes that the man is made up of Body and Mind (Cogito and Extenza)
Rene Descartes
Latin for ‘I think therefore I am’
Cogito ergo sum
The body is the extension of the mind.
Rene Descartes
Philosopher and politician that believes the self emerges from everyday experiences
John Locke
Experience is an important requirement
John Locke
Scottish Empiricist
David Hume
To see is to believe
Believes the self is not an entity over and beyond the physical body
David Hume
The self is made up of Impressions and Ideas
David Hume
Tangible experiences according to Hume
Copies of impressions accdg. to Hume
Introduced the apparatuses of the mind: the mind processe the impressions that man experiences.
Immanuel Kant
What matters is the behavior that a person manifests
Gilbert Ryle
Denies the concept of an internal, non-physical self
Gilbert Ryle
Mind and body cannot be studied separately. They are one.
Eliminative Materialism
Patricia Churchland
The brain gives us a sense of self. Explanations about the self can be determined by studying the brain.
Patricia Churchland