Lesson 1 - Key terms Flashcards
The process of action of proving something to be true
Behavioural Biometrics
How you behave that is unique - like your signature
Submitting your data sample into a system such as personal info and finger print scan
Facial Recognition
Program that verifies data points on your face to confirm identity
Feature Extraction
Process of building informative, nonredundant derived values from an initial set of measured data to facilitate learning, generalization and interpretation
The process of capturing the Impression of the ridges which is unique to each individual
Gait analytics
The manner of style of walking
Iris Scan
Automated pattern recognition technique of eyes
Keystroke analysis
behavioral biometric of how an individual’s keystrokes
Comparing real-time scan to initial enrolment records for verification
Physiological Biometrics
Unique physical characteristics such as height
Signature analysis
A behavioral biometric - how someone signs their name - pressure and style of signature
data sample that is recaptured
measurement of the frequency of data usage
Comparing sample to original enrolment
Voice recognition
Comparing sample of voice recording to original voice recording