Lesson 1- Introduction to OM Flashcards
The three primary functions that exist in most business organizations are?
operations, marketing and finance
Which of the following is not a type of service operation?
Fabrication of metals
Value added refers to?
the difference between cost of inputs and the value or price of outputs
Planning decisions are usually:
tactical and medium term
The marketing functions main focus is with:
Assessing the customer wants and needs
Which is NOT a significant difference between manufacturing and service operations?
cost per unit
Operating at minimum cost and time is referred to as:
Which of the following functions is mostly service based, as identified in the “goods service” continuum:
A balanced achieved between two incompatible features is referred to as
Operating managers are responsible for managing activities and resources that produce good and/or provide services? T or F?
Effectiveness refers to achieving intended goals whereas efficiency refers to minimizing cost and time?
The operations function exists only in firms that are goods-oriented:
Value-added refers to the cost of the inputs required to produce goods and services
Operations management involves both system design and planning/control?
Design decisions are usually strategic and long term, while planning decisions are tactical and medium term?
A basic difference between manufacturing and service organizations is that services are action-oriented and manufacturing is goods-oriented?
Managing inventory levels is considered a planning/control operations decision area
Service often requires a higher labour content whereas the production of goods is more capital intensive
Many operations management decisions can be describes as trade offs?
A characteristic that was once an order winner may become an order qualifier and vise versa?
Order qualifiers are those characteristics of an organizations goods or services that cause them to be perceived as better than competitors?
It is important that an organization has a clear and simple mission/value/values statement?
The purchasing criteria of quality and timelines s of delivery are order winners for all companies
A mission statement should provide a guide for the formulation of strategies for the organization
Strategic planning includes both determining long-term plans and implementing them through allocation of resources and action plans
Organization strategy must be determined without considering the realities of function area strengths and weaknesses
Formulating an operations strategy requires focusing solely on the operations function, leaving the concerns of other functions and the status of external markets to broader organizational strategic planning.
Productivity is defined as the ratio of output to input?
Time -based strategies focus on reducing time required to accomplish certain activities such as new product development or deliver to the customer?
Productivity is related to competitiveness
Even though labour costs as a proportion of total cost has been decreasing in manufacturing companies, labour productivity is still the main measure being used to gauge the performance of individuals and plants?
Variability of the output of services makes it more difficult to measure service productivity
Characteristics that customers perceive as minimum standards of acceptability are called
order qualifiers
product variety is an example of:
A key purchasing area
Which of the following is NOT a key purchasing criterion?
Vendor relations
Which of the following is not a step for formulating an OS?
Define the vision and mission of company
Productivity is calculated as:
Which of the following is a set of well coordinated policies, objectives, action plans, directly affecting the operations function which is aimed at securing a long-term sustainable advantage over competition?
operations strategy
In an assembly operation at a furniture factory, 6 employees assembled an average of 450 standard dining chairs per 5 day workweek. What is the labour productivity per work/day of this operation?
15 chairs/worker/day
Which of the following is not a factor that affect productivity?
analysis of competitors
What statement determines where the organizations desires to be in the future?
vision statement