Lesson 1: Introduction to Mining Laws Flashcards
enumerate the hierarchy of laws in the Philippines
Philippine Constitution of 1987
Statutes/Executive Issuances by the President
Administrative Regulations
Ordinances by LGU
what Article and section under the 1987 constitution states the “National Economy and Patrimony”
Article XII, Section 2
National Economy and Patrimony
All ________ of the public domains, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other _________ are owned by the __________.
lands; natural resources; State
National Economy and Patrimony
The ________, _________, and ________ of natural resources shall be under the full control and supervision of the __________.
exploration; development; utilization; State
doctrine that pertains to the ownership of mineral resources
Regalian Doctrine
What should an investor do in order to acquire the right to extract or develop natural resources?
the investor must enter into an agreement with the State
What are the two mining laws and their respective DAOs for this lesson?
(RA 7076) People’s Small-scale Mining Act of 1991→DAO No. 2022-03
(RA 7942) Philippine Mining Act of 1995→DAO No. 2010-21
An act creating a people’s small-scale mining program and for other purposes
RA 7076
revised implementing rules and regulations of RA No.7076 otherwise known as “people’s small scale mining act of 1991”
DAO No. 2022-03
An act instituting a new system of mineral resources exploration, development, utilization and conservation
RA 7942
providing for a consolidated department of environmental and natural resources administrative order for the implementing rules and regulations of RA No. 7942, otherwise known as the “philippine mining act of 1995”
DAO No. 2010-21
All mineral resources in public and private lands within the territory and exclusive economic zone of the Republic of the Philippines are owned by the State.
RA 7942 The Philippine Mining Act of 1995
Are all lands open for mining applications?
no, because there are areas closed to mining applications
Name the 7 general areas closed to mining applications
- In military and other government reservations
- Near or under several public or private structures
- In areas covered by valid and existing mining rights
- In areas expressly prohibited by law
- In areas covered by small-scale miners as defined by law
- protected forests and the like
- Areas which the Secretary may exclude on proper assessment of their environmental impacts and implications
are all military and other government reservations really closed to mining applications?
yes, except upon prior written clearance by the government agency concerned
are all near or under public or private structures really closed to mining applications?
yes, except upon written consent of the government agency or private entity concerned
are all areas covered by small-scale miners really closed to mining applications?
yes, unless with prior consent of the small-scale miners
when a large mining company applies for a mineral agreement on an area covered by small-scale miners with the prior consent of the small-scale miners, what should be agreed to? explain.
a royalty payment upon the utilization of minerals. the royalty should be used to form a trust fund for the socioeconomic development of the community concerned
when a large mining company applies for a mineral agreement on an area covered by small-scale miners with the prior consent of the small-scale miners, what should be agreed to? explain.
a royalty payment upon the utilization of minerals. the royalty should be used to form a trust fund for the socioeconomic development of the community concerned
when a large mining company applies for a mineral agreement on an area covered by small-scale miners with the prior consent of the small-scale miners, what should be agreed to? explain.
a royalty payment upon the utilization of minerals. the royalty should be used to form a trust fund for the socioeconomic development of the community concerned
full NIPAS
National Integrated Protected Areas System
the two other areas closed to mining applications under the EO No. 79 series of 2012
- Tourism development areas, as identified in the NTDP
- Other critical areas according to the DENR, such as the NIPAS Act
full NTDP
National Tourism Development Plan
refers to all lands exclusively and actually possessed, occupied, or utilized by indigenous cultural communities by themselves or through their ancestors in accordance with their customs and traditions since time immemorial, and as may be defined and delineated by law
Ancestral Lands
full MPSA
Mineral Sharing Production Agreement
full FTAA
Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement
full EP
Exploration Permit
full CADC
Certificate of Ancestral Domain Claim
full CADT
Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title
full ICC
Indigenous Cultural Community
what documents would warrant an area to be an ancestral land
those with CADC / CADT
can MPSA / FTAA / EP be allowed in ancestral lands?
no, unless with the ICC’s concent
can MPSA / FTAA / EP be allowed in ancestral lands?
no, unless with the ICC’s consent
royalty amount given to ICC from the mining company when allowed to mine at ancestral lands
at least 1% of the gross revenue
6 tenements issued by DENR-MGB
- Exploration Permit (EP)
- Mineral Agreements
- Financial or Technical Assistance Agreements (FTAA)
- Mineral Processing Permits (MPP)
- Industrial Sand and Gravel Permits (>5 to 20 hectares)
full MPP
Mineral Processing Permit
6 permits issued by LGU
- Small-Scale Mining Contracts
- Quarry Permits
- Sand and Gravel Permits (5 hectares & below)
- Guano Permits
- Gemstone Gathering Permits
full OTPs
Ore Transport Permit
Mineral ore export permit
Maximum areas in hectares of the 3 different types of mining right
EP →32,000 onshore; 81,000 offshore
MPSA →5,000 onshore; 40,500 offshore
FTAA →81,000 onshore; 324,000 offshore
terms of the 3 different types of mining right
EP →2 years; renewable
to a maximum of 8
MPSA →25 years;
renewable for like
FTAA →25 years;
renewable for like
qualified persons of the 3 different types of mining right
EP →Individuals or
Filipino or foreign
MPSA →Individuals or
FTAA →Filipino or 100%
4 main stages of mining operations
exploration→development→production→final mine decommissioning
> the first three undergoes progressive rehabilitation
searching or prospecting for mineral resources
methods of exploration
geological, geochemical and/or
geophysical surveys, remote sensing, test pitting, trenching, drilling, shaft sinking,
tunneling or any other means for the purpose of determining their existence,
extent, quality and quantity and the feasibility of mining them for profit.
Under DAO 2021-12, how do exploration periods get renewed?
automatically renewed without the need of filing applications
for renewal
holders of the tenements are required to submit certain
requirements within sixty (60) days from expiration of the exploration
period of the tenement or the exploration permit, as the case may be.
Failure to submit the requirements is a ground for cancellation of the
mining tenement
Under DAO 2021-12, what agreements/permits get automatic exploration period renewal
(and other similar mining tenements), as well as exploration permits,
who grants exploration permits
MGB Director: atty. wilfredo g. Moncano
10 requirements needed to support an EP application
- Location Map 1: 50,000 scale;
- Articles of Incorporation/ By laws /
- Area Status and Clearances;
- Publication / posting / radio announcement;
- Project presentation / consultation with all Sanggunian
(Barangay, Bayan, Panlalawigan); - ExWP
- EnWP
- Proof of financial capacity;
- Proof of technical capability
- NCIP FPIC process
full ExWP
Exploration Work Program
full EnWP
Environmental Work Program
full NCIP
National Commission on Indigenous People