Lesson 1 - Introduction Flashcards
The term research is consist of two words “RE + Search” which means….?
Re = again and again
Search = to find out something
A systematic investigation into and study of materials, sources in order to establish new conclusion.
It’s a process of seeking answers or discovering new things by asking questions, gathering, and analyzing data to make conclusion
What is the purpose of research ? (baka may essay lol)
To expand our knowledge on the study, solving problems and generate new technology and innovation to contribute to the betterment of the society.
Characteristic of Research (6)
clue : CES ORE
- Cumulative
- Empirical
- Systematic and Organize
- Objective
- Replicable
- Ethical
Follows a structured and organized process. It involves careful planning, data collection, analysis, and reporting, all conducted in a systematic manner.
Systematic and Organize
Research relies on empirical evidence, which means it is based on observations and data that can be observed or measured
Research strives to be objective and unbiased
The findings of research should be reproducible by other researchers
Researchers must conduct their studies with integrity, ensuring the rights, privacy, and well-being of participants are respected
Research builds upon existing knowledge. Allowing for the continuous growth and development of that field.
Two common classification of research (2)
A. Based on purpose (2 types)
B. Based on Methodology (5 types)
Based on Purpose (2)
Clue : BA
Basic Research
Applied Research
Seeks to expand theoretical knowledge without immediate practical applications.
Example : A study on why alcohol is bad in our body.
Basic Research
Addresses specific practical problems and aims to find solutions.
Example: Developing and implementing public health campaigns and educational programs to raise awareness about the health risks of alcohol consumption
Applied Research
Based on Methodology (5)
Clue: one D, two Q and two E
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Experimental Research
Descriptive Research
Exploratory Research
Involves numerical data and statistical analysis.
Example: : A market researcher collects numerical data through surveys to analyze customer preferences for a new product.
Quantitative Research
Focuses on non-numerical data, such as interviews or observations.
Example: An anthropologist conducts in-depth interviews to study the cultural practices and rituals of a remote tribe.
Qualitative Research
Aims to describe characteristics or phenomena without manipulating variables
Descriptive Research
Seeks to explore new phenomena or gain a deeper understanding of a subject
Exploratory Research
yes mwa mwa? no mwa mwa?
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