Lesson 1 - Hydrology Flashcards
A branch of civil engineering concerned with maximizing the social and economic benefit associated with the world’s water resources while minimizing the adverse environmental impacts due to modifications to the natural environment
Water Resources Engineering
3 fields of Water resources engineering
Physical Sciences
Basic Sciences and
Social Sciences
________ is that natural science that is concerned with the occurrence, properties, distribution, and movement of water in the natural and man-made environment
In a global sense, the occurrence, distribution and movement of water in the natural environment can be visualized through a cyclic process known as the _________
Hydrologic Cycle
It is a study of water and its properties, distribution and effects on the Earth’s surface, soil and atmosphere
Sustainable use of water resources
Water Management
Identification, formulation and analysis of projects and designs
Water Resources Planning
percentage of salt in Saltwater
percentage of salt on freshwater
Percentage of salt in lakes and river storage
percentage of salt in Groundwater, including soil moisture, swamp water and permafrost
Percentage of salt in glaciers and permanent snow cover
Break complex system down into components and analyze the interactions between the components
Water Resources System Analysis
central method used in water resources planning
Water Resources System Analysis
transform the (space and time) distribution of water in the hydrologic cycle
Hydrologic Processes
Mass is conserved and does not change
Conservation of mass
Interchange of molecules between different layers/regions in a substance due to differences in temperature, velocity and concentration
a mechanism causing greater rate of exchange of mass. energy and momentum than molecular exchanges
is the constant cyclic movement of water from the ground to the atmosphere and back to the ground
Hydrologic cycle
The process by which liquid water is converted into water vapor as water is heated by the sun and its surface molecules become sufficiently energized to break free of the attractive force binding them together
the process by which water vapor is emitted into the atmosphere from plant surfaces
combination of water released to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration
The process by which water vapor condenses back into liquid after it rises and cools in the atmosphere.
When condensation occurs at the ground level, the resulting water droplets are called ______
The discharge of water out of the atmosphere, generally onto land or water surface
The process by which precipitation is caught and held by foliage, twigs and branches of trees, shrubs and other vegetation and lost by evaporation, never reaching the surface lf the ground
The movement of water through the soil surface into the soil which is controlled by soil texture, soil structure, vegetation and soil moisture status.
The portion of water which does not infiltrate the soil but flows over the surface of the ground to a stream channel.
Surface runoff
Also known as overland flow
Surface runoff
Precipitation that moves downwards, percolates or infiltrates through cracks, joints and pores in soil and rocks until it reaches the water table where it becomes groundwater
Lateral movement of percolated water. Some water that is precipitated seeps through soil and continues to follow the slope. This water is eventually discharged into rivers, streams, and lakes
A body of water found in a deep aquifer zone that flows laterally and eventually merges with rivers, streams, lakes and oceans
Groundwater Flow