Lesson 1 - Economic Principles Flashcards
Study of how society manages scarce resources
(economy - one manages household)
limited resources + cannot produce all goods/services people want SO tradoffs happen
What do economists study
1) how people make choices
2) how people interact with one another (demand + supply)
3) forces that affect overall economy
Ten economic principles
1) Trade-offs
2) cost of something is what you give up for it
3) people are rational
4) people respond to incentives
5) Trade makes everyone better off
6) Markets good way to organize economic activity
7) Governments can sometimes improve market outcomes
8) country’s standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods + services
9) prices rise when govt prints too much money
Principle 1: Trade-Offs
1) Spending money or investing time in one thing detracts from another i.e. more military spending –> less spending on consumer goods
2) Efficiency vs equality (ensuring get greatest benefit from resources VS spreading resources evenly amongst everyone)
Principle 2: cost of something is what you give up to get it
1) Opportunity cost = what you give up to get it
2) smart to understand opportunity costs when making decisions
Principle 3: Rational People think at margin
1) economists assume people are rational –> think systematically + purposefully
2) make decisions by comparing marginal benefits + marginal costs SO if marginal benefit is greater than marginal cost, you make that action
3) Water = low marginal benefit (a little more water makes no diff) compared to diamonds SO willing to pay more for diamonds
Marginal change
incremental adjustment to existing plan of action
Marginal Cost
1) extra money required to stream another film for example
2) if consumer pays more than marginal cost –> profitable for company
Principle 4: People respond to incentives
1) incentive = something that induces person to act like punishment or reward
2) higher price –> consumers buy less
3) important to consider unintended consequences
Unintended consequences of incentives
1) Seat Belt laws –> reduced marginal cost of speeding (less dangerous bc of seatbelt) WHICH led to more accidents WHICH injured pedestrians since they did not have the added protection
2) Important to consider indirect effects of policies with incentives
Principle 5: Trade makes everyone better off
1) example = all families compete with each other for resources, jobs, etc. BUT a family that is isolated struggles so much to sew, cook, make food, etc.
2) trade allows all countries to specialize in what they’re best at AND enjoy greater variety of goods + services
Principle 6: Markets good way to organize economic activity
1) Market economy = firms decide who to hire, what to make + households decide where to work + what to buy
2) guided by “invisible hand” to desired outcome –> prices shifted to maximize well-being of society (demand + supply)
BUTTTT, govt intervention often undermines this –> taxes
Principle 7: Governments can sometimes improve market outcomes
1) Invisible hand needs the government to enforce property rights
2) otherwise if farmers’ crops kept being stolen for example, they wouldn’t grow food
3) govt intervention needed to promote efficiency (correcting market failures) + equality
How does govt promote efficiency + equality
1) Efficiency = sometimes markets do not maximize resources due to externalities (pollution) or market power (one person/group has too much control over prices, like monopoly)
2) ex = pollution, market often fails to take this into account
3) Equality = invisible hand does not ensure everyone benefits equally + has access to healthcare, food, etc