Lesson 1 Defining Reading Flashcards
Why is reading not just a basic skill?
It involves multiple skills.
Reading is
Not just a basic skill A complex process Problem solving Fluent reading Situationally bounded Cognitive process
Multiple skills are.
Noting details Summarizing Drawing conclusion Getting the main idea Vocabulary
A type of multiple skill that involves lower level of thinking
Noting details
A type of multiple skill that involves understanding word meaning.
Why is reading a complex process
Understanding both figurative and literal meaning. Also because it uses multiple skills.v
Why is reading problem solving
Because it is a complex process of problem solving
Requires strategies to understand a text by using diction, context clues.
Why is Fluent reading not the same as decoding?
It involves reading between the lines
Reading involves understanding
Why is reading situationally bounded?
Depends on the person reading it.
For example: a doctor may not understand law books because it is not his or her field of study
Getting the meaning of the writer and the text.b
Transactional process
Interaction of the author and reader
Interactive reading
2 stances of reading
Stance of reading that involves the “gists” or knowledge
Stance of reading that involves the emotive part of reading
Why is reading a cognitive process?
It involves thinking process wherein it requires a prior and network of knowledge in the long term memory.
Characteristics of proficient readers.
Mentally engage
Motivated to learn and read
Socially active around reading task
Strategic in monitoring the interactive process that assist comprehension
Setting goal that shape their reading process
Monitoring their emerging understanding of a text
Coordinating a variety of comprehension strategies to control the reading process