Lesson 1 Content Analysis Flashcards
Content Analysis stages
1) Sampling - decide how the material/behaviour should be sampled
2) Record data - how will you record the data? In a table? Video? Write everything down?
3) Analyse/categorise data - how will you summarise the data? Will it be quantitative or qualitative?
4) Tally up the amounts
Content Analysis
Content analysis is a method used to analyse qualitative data. It allows a researcher to take qualitative data and transform it into quantitative data. The technique can be used for data in many different formats, for example interview transcripts and film and/or audio recordings.
The researcher conducting a content analysis will use coding units in their work. An example of coding units would be the number of positive or negative words used by a mother to describe her child’s behaviour, or the number of swear words in a film.
Procedure for Content Analysis
-Data is collected
-Researcher reads through or examines the data, making themselves familiar with it
-The researcher identifies coding units
-The data is analysed by applying the coding units
-A tally is made of the number of times that a coding unit appears
Thematic Analysis
Thematic analysis is a method for analysing qualitative data that involves identifying and reporting patterns within the material. The material might be a diary, TV advertisements, or interview transcripts.
If using a thematic Analysis to analyse an interview the researcher will need to:
Make a transcription of the interview.
Use coding units to initially analyse the transcript.
Review the coding units to look for themes.
Advantages of Content Analysis
+ It is a reliable way to analyse qualitative data as the coding units are not open to interpretation and so are applied in the same way over time and with different researchers.
+ It is an easy technique to use and is not too time consuming.
+ It allows a statistical analysis to be conducted if required as there is usually quantitative data as a result of the procedure.
Disadvantages of Content Analysis
- Causality cannot be established as it merely describes the data.
- As it only describes the data it cannot extract any deeper meaning or explanation for the data patterns arising