Lesson 1 Flashcards
som zvedava
I am curious
Tell me about it
Hovor mi o tom
Hovori jihn anglicky?
Does John speak English?
Ma john nejake deti?
Does John have any children?
Kedy zacina zapas?
What time does the match start?
Nevidel si niekde Toma?
Have you seen Tom anywhere?
Mozno je na obede.
Perhaps he’s at lunch.
Spominam si, on je na schodzi.
I remenber now, he is at the meeting.
Autobus odchadza za 10 minut
The bus leaves in ten minutes.
O kolkej odchadza autobus?
What time does the bus leave?
What time does it leave?
O stvrt na osem
At quater past seven
O pol osmej
At half past seven
At Quater to eight
Pomozme mu
Let’s help him.
Videl si Toma na party?
Did you see Tim at the party?
Co robi tvoj brat?
What does your brorher do?
Aky je stary tvoj syn?
How old is your son?
Skus to urobit
Try to do it
Chce to skusit
He wants to try it
Nechcem to skusit
I don’t want to try it,
Chcel by si to skusit?
Would you like to try it?
Preco to nechce skusit?
Why doesn’t she want to try it?
Skusil si to niekedy?
Have xou ever tried it?
Este sme to neskusili
We have not/haven’t tried it yet.
Nie je to lahke, ale snazim sa
It´s not easy, but I am trying.
Musis to skusit
You must try it
Mam termin u kadernicky
I have an appointment with my hairdresser
Planujete si objednat hotel online?
Are you booking hotel online?
Nieco rychleho a pohodlne , dostatocne velke pre 4 dosp a 2 deti
Something fast and comfortable with enough room for 4 adults and 2 children
Uz son viac nemohla akceptovat, tolerovat jeho
I couldn’t put up with his behavior any more
ten pravý nástroj pre vás
the right tool for you
koľko ti dlžím?
how much do I owe you?
Som spokojna s tvojim vykonom
I am satisfied with your performance
Som schopný zjesť celý koláč
I am able to eat whole cake
Kedy budeme môcť ist do kina?
When are we going to be able to go to the cinema?
Som spokojná so svojím rozhodnutím.
I am satisfied with my decision
Jeho vyjadrenie bolo mätuce
his statement was confusing
je dobrá v technických veciach
She’s good at the technical stuff
Po dvoch rokoch ucenia hovoťrila plynule anglicky
after two years of learning English, she spoke fluently
Zaciatocnik, mierne pokrocily, pokrocily
beginner intermediate advanced
Existuje nekonecne vela moznosti
There are infinite
Vecina z nich bude neprijatelna
Most of them will be
Kazdodenna anglictina je o konvenciacho
Everyday English is about
Naucit sa jazyk bez inych ludi je nemozne
Learning a language without other people is impossible
Bol to rok / prešiel už rok / je tomu rok
It’s (=has) been a year
Nenechaj si to ujst
Don’t miss it
dajte mi vedieť, až budete k dispozicii
Let me know when you are availaible
Myslim, ze by ste sa mohli mylit
I think your might be mistaken
Nie som si isty ci je to dobry napad
I”m not so sure that”s a good idea
Nie som s touto pracou celkom spokojny
I”m not quite satisfied whit this work
Tuto farbu v tomto prevedeni nemam prilis v oblube
I”m not too fond of this colora in his design
Chystam sa vypadnut
Chystam sa spat
Iˇm gonna crash out
Iˇm gonna sleep
Rozosmievas ma
You make me laugh
You crack me up
Skus to
Give it a shot
Som vycerpany
Iˇm exhausted
Iˇm zapped
Ospravedlnujem sa, ze som meskal
I apologize for being late
Zalezalo mi na nom ked bol chory
I cared from him when he was sick
Rodicia chrania svoje deti pred problemami
Parents protect their children from problems
Dnes som mal vela prace
I have done a lot of work today
It’s been a long day
Podme sa stretnut
Leť’s meet today
Let’s catch up today
Je mi to jedno
See of I care
I don’t care