Lesson 1 Flashcards
When was the reign of queen Victoria ?
Between 1837 and 1901 (when she died)
What is “the steam of train”/ “the steam engine”
La machine à vapeur
What did the industrail revolution change ?
It revolutionied the economy and the way of life
What is the “Age of Englitenment” ?
Le siècle des lumières
How long does the Age of Englitenment still ?
Between the 17th and the 19th century
After which period does the Age of Englitenment come and why ?
After the Middle Age : philosopher and scientists try to get rid of the myths of this period.
What do the movements of the Age of Englitenment want ?
Movement that want to understand the world, century of reason
What important events occure in the Victorian Age ?
The development of British Colonies
Basically, what changes in society can we observe during the Victorian Age ?
1) Rise of middle class
2) Aristocrats had less power
3) Businessmen became the most powerful
4) Working class became even poorer : lot’s of child labor
What is the woman’s place in the VA ?
At home
What is the place of children in the VA ?
Seen, not heard
Was it easy to change social statut ?
How does “Alice in Wonderland” criticise the Victorian Society ?
It’s about a child that expresses herself (she talks a lot), and she is becoming a woman in society (she grows up, she takes too much space, she has to be the perfect size)
She only meets male characters : the only female character is the Red Queen (which is a reference to Queen Victoria) : the only woman who is not inferior in this society.
What literary movement appeared at the end of the 18th century and beggining of the 19th ? What is it ?
Romanticism :
These writers concentrated on personal emotions, the inner character.
What did we found in the post romantic literature ?
Lot’s of heroes, only positive emotions descibed, courage, action related)
What is the Gothic literature ?
It’s a mix of romanticism and terror
Edmund Burke says : “When you see a gothic cathedral you can feel the idea of sublime. it is scary but it elevates you”
Ann Radclife says : “Terror is when the reader is in that moment before bieng scared” she says that terror makes you feel sublime.
Did Ann Radcliffe revolution the image of woman in society ?
No, even though she is herself a woman, the victims in her fiction are always women, she is still in that image of “damsel in distress”
hardly, (à peine)
what could “start” also mean ?