Lesson 1 Flashcards
a condition in which a baby is born with just a brainstem
anterior definiton
towards the front
autonomic nervous system
innervates internal organs; not under voluntary control; comprised of parasympathetic and sympathetic branches; aka “visceral peripheral nervous system”
behavioral neuroscience
connecting behaviors to neural function
most inferior part of them brain; connects brain to spinal cord; contains 12 nerves that relay information between the brain and body; involved in vital function regulations
towards the rear
central nervous sytem
includes the brain and spinal cord
posterior and inferior to cerebrum; 10% of brain’s total volume but 50% of brains total neurons; split into 2 hemispheres; involved in smooth coordinated movement control, voluntary movement, balance posture; also involved in cognitive, affective and behavioral changes is psychiatric conditions; ipsilateral control
physically biggest part of brain; contralateral control
cognitive neuroscience
the study of the highest level of mental functions
present at birth
when a structure is on the opposite side of the reference point
coronal plane
divides a structure perpendicular to its longitudinal axis creating front and back halves; can also be called “transverse plane”
cross section
term applied to transverse sections of the spinal cord and brain stem
decomposition of movement
a disorder related to cerebellar function which casues poorly coordinated and executed movement
farther from a reference point
towards the top; also can use “superior”
a disorder related to cerebellar function which casues the inability to rapidly alternate movements (i.e. quickly saying buttercup)