Lesson 1 Flashcards
What things in health and safety be a risk to?
physical or mental health, social standing, reputation or some form of financial loss
Whats the purpose of health and safety in the workplace?
to minimise accidents leading to injuries (physical or mental), and their consequences.
Who does health and safety legislation impact?
both the employer and the employee, large businesses and self-employed workers
Why is health and safety awareness important?
Health and safety awareness has greatly reduced the number of accidents in workplaces, but serious injuries, and even fatalities, still occur every year.
Why is agriculture considered a high risk industry?
due to the use of heavy machinery, high levels of physical activity, hazards in the environment and the presence of animals.
Agricultural workers suffer from significantly more musculoskeletal disorders and fatalities are 21 times higher than those for workers in other industries.
Who has duty of care?
the duty falls on everyone. While businesses may have a nominated staff member ‘in charge’ of health and safety, everyone must ensure they play their part.
What is the definition of an employer?
A person or organisation that employs people. Employers have a responsibility to keep employees safe when they are at work.
What is the definition of an employee?
A person working for another person or organisation for a wage or salary. Employees have a responsibility to follow instructions and report anything that could be unsafe.
What is the definition of a self-employee?
A person who works for themselves, providing goods or services to more than one person or organisation. From a health and safety point of view, self-employed people have the responsibilities of both employers and employees.
What are the statutory duties of employers and the self-employed?
- Provide a safe working environment.
- Provide safe equipment and systems of work.
- Provide information, instruction, training and supervision.
- Arrange for the safe storage, transport and use of articles and substances.
- Provide adequate welfare facilities.
- Provide suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) to all workers and take responsibility for its maintenance (eg regular servicing).
- Ensure the safety of other people around the workplace – for example, members of the public and subcontractors
What are the statutory duties of employees and the self-employed?
- Take reasonable care of your own health and safety.
- Take reasonable care of others around you.
- Cooperate with your employer on health and safety.
- Do not interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.
- Use PPE provided.
Undertake training and instruction