Lesson 1 Flashcards
What is intellectual property (IP)?
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.
What role does intellectual property play in innovation?
Intellectual property makes innovation possible by recognizing and rewarding innovations.
How does intellectual property ensure quality?
Intellectual property ensures quality by making our lives more productive, fun, and sustainable.
provides consumers with confidence in the quality of a product
How does intellectual property support the economy?
Intellectual property supports the economy by promoting industry, jobs, and innovation.
What is the duration of a patent?
A patent lasts for 20 years from the filing date.
What is the duration of a utility model?
A utility model lasts for 7 years from the filing date.
What is the duration of a trademark?
A trademark lasts for 10 years from the filing date.
What is the duration of copyright?
Copyright lasts for the lifetime of the creator plus 50 years after their death.
What is the duration of industrial design protection?
Industrial design protection lasts for 5 years, renewable for not more than 2 consecutive 5-year terms for a total of 15 years.
What is the duration of graphical indication protection?
Graphical indication protection lasts for 10 years.
What is the duration of layout design of integrated circuits?
The layout design of integrated circuits lasts for 10 years.
What is the duration of trade secret protection?
Trade secret protection lasts as long as it remains secret.
What are intellectual property rights?
Intellectual property rights are rights given to persons over the creations of their minds.
What is the defensive benefit of intellectual property?
The defensive benefit of intellectual property is protecting yourself from infringement and objecting when your work is distorted.
What is the offensive benefit of intellectual property?
The offensive benefit of intellectual property includes selling the intellectual property while retaining moral rights and licensing it for use by others while retaining ownership.
It is the rights given to
persons over the creations of their minds. They
usually give the creator an exclusive right over the
use of his/her creation for a certain period of time
Intellectual property rights
Intellectual property is not just for big companies, it is for all of us.
IP is for everyone
As long as it remains a secret.
Trade secret
Protecting yourself from infringement, Objecting when your work is distorted.
Selling the IP and retaining the moral right, licensing the IP for use by others but retaining the ownership.
It is a legal term used to describe the right that creators have over their literary and artistic works.
Two type of right under copyright
•Economic rights
•Moral right
It is the right to claim authorship of a work.
Moral right
It is a right that allows owners to derive financial rewards from the used of their work by others
Economic right
Copyright protection is obtained automatically
Berne convention
Exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides a new way of daily something to offer a new technical solution to a problem.
A sign capable a distinguishing the good and services of one enterprise from these of other enterprise.
Is a word or a group of words, sign, symbol or a logo that identifies and differentiates the source of the goods or services of one entity from those of others.
Trademark can be obtained from;
•Regional trademark
•National trademark
•World intellectual property organisation
Intellectual property code of the Philippines.
Republic ack no. 8293
Who and In what year does RA NO.8293
Senator Raul S. Rocco in 1/1/1998
What is D and M in DREAM
Development , Policy-making
The office shall protect the use of patent information as a tool tor technology development.
Help protect copyright by assisting in the facilitation of deposit of work with the national library.
What is R and E in DREAM
Regulatory, Enforcement
Develop and implement strategies to promote and facilitate technology transfer.
Conduct visits during reasonable hours to establishment and businesses engaging in activities.
Hears and decide cases relating to violation of IP rights
Function of trademark?
•It identifies the goods and services and it’s origin or owner.
•It advertised the goods and services
•It creates an image for the goods and services
•It stimulates Futher purchase.
Is given to the person first filled for registration of the mark.
First-to-file rule
What can be a trademark?
•Similar trademark
•Generic trademark
•Descriptive trademark
Characteristics of a trademark
•Fanciful - made up word
•Arbitrary - unrelated word/ image to goods (shell,
•Suggestive - without directly describing them.
•Descriptive trademark
•Generic terms
It is a characteristics of a trademark that is made-up words
A characteristics of a trademark that is unrelated to the goods.
Is a collection of all right enjoyed by the owner of an artistic or literary work.
Two type of copyright
•Original literary and artistic work
•Derivative work
What can be protected by copyright in the Philippines.
• Literary and artistic work
•Music woks
•Visual and artistic work
•Dramatic and choreographic work
•Audiovisual works
•Computer programs and software
•Derivative and compilations
•Lecture, letters and performance
•Architecture and Engineering.