Lesson 1 Flashcards
“CLASSLESS SOCIETY” which can only be attained through the elimination of “class struggle”, the immortal battle between tjose who are economically deprived and those who are economically dominat.
Karl Marx
the ultimate goal, the perfect state, - “A UTOPIAN SOCIETY”
“the end justifies the means”
Niccolo Machiavelli
” the complexity of life is the complexity of politics”
Gabrielle Almond
“Selfishness & Greed”
Thomas Hobbes
Politics inseperable tandem is;
“Power & Choice”
W. Philips Shively
“Power & Influence”
relationships (instincts —-> control, authority, power, and influence)
Robert Dahl
“Constant Struggle for Power”
(Politics: Who gets what, when, and how; “Influence and the Influential”)
Harold Lasswell
“Power & Ability”
Peter Morris
“induced acceptance of order” (law- penaltyl
Max Webber
“mas is the measure of all things” (homo mensura”)
Protagoras (Sophist of Abdera)
Politics is a ______________.
A product of man’s instinct
The instinctive nature to ______, ________, and eventually _______ a relationship.
- Establish
- Maintain
- Dominate
Man is designed by his creator for him to ________, _________, and __________ to other people.
- mingle
- associate
- relate
the process by which collective decisions are made, influencing the creation and direction of the state, a sovereign entity that governs a defined territory.
operating within the state’s framework, is responsible for creating and enforcing laws, which are the formal rules that regulate society and maintain order.
as specialized bodies within the government, implement and enforce these laws and policies in specific areas.
a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government.
Man is compounded by variations of _________ and _________.
thoughts & ideas
Since it is also man’s nature to search and attain the ultimate end which is the “_______”, man to this end, resorted to formulating schemes, in his effort to avoid life’s adverse tendencies or threats to his purpose, like the establishment of government, enactment of laws and eventually the creation of a system, which has always been intertwined with politics or what we come to know as the _____________; or commonly referred to as the _________.
- “good”
- political system
- state
Fundamentals of Political Sciences
p.s. —-> state —-> gov.t. —–> laws
Humans are __________ animals
—-> _________
- political/ social animals
- instinct to create a system
This sytstem spans almost always atrocities and adversaries which man tries to etch and move his way out.
The process of doing so provided frequent honing and sharpening of man’a innate abolities like mental attributes and corollary to his outlooks and insights and almist every other of its manifestations specifically pokitics and what politics is all about. Thus, resulting in paradigm shifts from __________to _____________.
- statist
- practically all new approaches in the discussion and dissection of politics.
“the first and greatest victory is to conquer the self”
The Fatherr of Political Science
Rizal Secret Mission?
- liberate the Philippines
- observe the politics of Europe/ World
The kind of __________ we have, is the kind of _________ we have
- politician
- state
“know thy self”
“Man is the nature of things”
“Be the change”
Mahatma Gandhi
“Politics is the promotion of what is good”
- Karl Marx