Lesson 1 Flashcards
Explain the focus of the following types of biblical inquiry:
a) Devotional reading
b) Academic study
a) Hearing from God
b) Understanding the text in relation to its historical context
The New Testament does not supersede the Old Testament; rather, it is … ?
The continuation, climax, and fulfillment of the Old Testament
List five (5) tools that can help students understand or interpret a biblical text
a) Historical background
b) Narrative criticism
c) Rhetoric
d) Ancient media culture
e) Intertextuality
Rhetorical texts were designed for what two (2) purposes?
a) To be read aloud
b) To persuade the hearers
List three (3) aspects of ancient media culture
a) Orality/aurality
b) Performance
c) Memory
What is intertextuality in relation to the Bible?
The use of the Old Testament in the New Testament