LESSON 1 Flashcards
Art comes from the Latin word “ars” meaning ability or skill. It covers those areas of artistic creativity that seek to communicate beauty primarily through the senses.
In the 1920s _________ and his constituents established the Amorsolo School of painting. Its influence would continue to grow for decades, where their work became widely known.
Their works were not only seen as paintings, but were widely reproduced in calendars, cards, illustrations for books, publications, and corporate advertisements.
Fernando Amorsolo
Bearers of traditionalarts can be nominated as Gawad Manlilikhang Bayan (GAMABA), equal to National Artist. Forms of this art are: folk architecture, weaving, carving, folk performing arts, folk graphic arts, and folk oral literature.
Traditional Art
Bearers non-traditional arts can be nominated as National Artist, equal to Gawad Manlilikha ng Bayan. Forms of this art are: dance, music, theatre, visual arts, literature, film and broadcast art, architecture and design.
Non-Traditional Arts
The _____ contrasts with the definition of art. Traditionally, definitions include fundamental, adequate, and single counterexample that overthrows such definition.
theory of art
It is a term used to describe works of art in which the representation of reality is distorted to communicate an inner vision.
The aim of artists was to express emotional experiences, rather than physical reality.
Expressionism Art
is any change made by an artist to the size, shape or visual character of a form to express an idea, convey a feeling or enhance visual impact. Exaggerating, twisting, and elongating forms are used to emphasize an intense feeling to do this.
Distortion Art
is an approach used by art critics to examine and evaluate works It is basically one of the oldest methods to evaluate art.
Formalism Art
The function of the artist is to illustrate as accurately and honestly as possible what he observed through his senses
it does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect.
_____ is a mark with length and direction. It is a continuous mark made by a moving point.
______ suggest a feeling of rest or repose because objects parallel to the earth are at rest. In this landscape, horizontal lines also help give a sense of space.
Horizontal lines
_____ often communicate a sense of height because they are perpendicular to the earth, extending
Vertical lines
_____ convey action and excitement, as well as restlessness and anxiety.
Zigzag lines
_______ convey energy. Soft, shallow curves recall the curves of the human body and often have a pleasing, sensual quality and a softening effect on the
Curve lines
_______ have two dimensions-height and width-and are usually defined by lines.
________ has depth as well as width and height. Three-dimensional form is the basis of sculpture, furniture, and decorative arts.
refers to a feeling of depth or three dimensions. It can also refer to the artist’s use of the area within the picture plane. The area around the primary objects in a work of art is known as negative space, while the space occupied by the primary _objects is known as positive space. The relationship of positive to negative space can greatly affect the impact of a work
________ can be described as warm (red, yellow) or cool (blue, gray), depending on which end of the color spectrum they fall It consists of intensity brightness) and value (lightness or darkness)
______ is used by an artist to create different moods
_______ is the surface quality or feel of an object, its smoothness, roughness, softness, etc.