Lesson 1 Flashcards
Steven Lukes
Dimensions of Power:
Decision making Power
Non-decision making power
- Ideological power
Grint - Conceptualising Leadership (PPPR)
Person, Position, Process , Result
Zaleznik : managers vs leaders
Managers: process, stability, look after internal stakeholders
Leaders: chaos and change
Foucalt’s prison
Power through control
Goleman 2000
Emotional intelligence in leadership
De Swaan Aarons (2014)
- High performing companies leverage customer inshights and deliver rich experiences
AMA definitoon of marketing
Organisational function and set of processes for creating communnicating and delivering value to customers
Badgett and Stone
HOLT 2003
Myths in tangible forms become icons - iconic brands win competitive battles mainly because they forge a deep connection with the culture - they COMPETE FOR culture share….
People need myths as they provide ideals to live by and solve lifes most vexing questions
Ritual action (Holt 2003)
Buyers buy product to consume myth embodied in product and form relationship with author of myth - AS APPLE’s CUSTOMERS TYPED AWAY ON THEIR KEYBOARDS IN 1990s, they communed with the COMPANIES MYTH OF REBELLIOUS CREATIVE LIBERTARIAN VALUES in a new economy
Brands and their power - are brands powerful enough to wage war on institutions? (Klein), implications of this!
- so powerful, can change the way people see issues
Levitt (2004)
Marketing Myopia - self deceiving growth cycle
Kumar et al 2011
MARKET ORIENTATION - ability to react to changes can provide successful competitive advantage
ARSEL 2004
Starbucks aggressive expansion —-> icon for cultural homogenity
Bauman 1989
Dehumanisation is an inescapable function of beuracracies
Barker (2010)
Status of managers —- proffesionals?
Liker and CHI (2004)
Relationships with suppliers
Eli Goldratt
Wickham Skinner
Father of manufacturing strategy - us losing comp advantage by taking ops for granted
Make vs Buy (Blackmon£
Make ; High degree of control
Economies of scale
Process can be overseen.
Negs : less flexibility, high investment cost
High strategic flexbility
Lower risk
More superior products and services
- negs - could choose bad supplier
Power and Marx
Cultural Hegemony maintains and legitimises the capitalist state