Lesser Protected Speech Flashcards
fighting words
NOT protected
fighting words = words which by their very utterance:
1. inflict injury, OR
2. tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace
incitement of imminent lawless action
NOT protected
may be outlawed if the speech:
1. advocates the use of force or illegality,
2. directed to inciting/producing imminent lawless action (intent), AND
3. likely to incite/produce such action (there is a clear and present danger that a listener will act)
NOT protected
material is obscene when it:
1. appeals to prurient interest (sexual interest) of an average person under today’s community standards,
2. is patently offensive, AND
3. lacks any serious artistic, literary, or scientific value
private possession of obscene materials
mere private possession of obscene materials by an adult inside the home CANNOT be made criminal
- Exception: child pornography
commercial speech
given fewer protection
govt MAY regulate truthful, non-misleading commercial speech if the regualtion:
1. directly advances,
2. a substantially governmental interest, AND
3. is no more extensive than necessary (reasonably tailored) to serve that interest
false advertising
false/misleading commercial speech is NOT protected