lessa go Flashcards
what is variolation?
inoculation of a small amount of smallpox into the skin (18th)
what is vaccination?
with jenner and pasteur
jenner: inoculation of cowpox virus into the skin
pasteur: inoculation with rabies virus
why did jenners inoculation work
because the cowpox virus is very close to the smallpox virus
how does the vaccine work
1) injection of cowpox by skin scratches
2) the immune system makes antibodies and long-term memory cells
3) when smallpox enter the body, the memory cells are simulated leading to a strong secondary response
4) the response mimics the immunity gained by recovering from the disease
what was the replacement for cowpox vaccine
vaccinia a mix of cow and smallpox
how can we control bacterial disease
by behavioural and environmental methods such as sanitation and antibiotics
how can we control viral diseases
by vaccination
what is heard immunity
a phenomenon if most of the population is immune and the outbreaks are becoming only sporadic because there isnt enough susceptible individuals
what are the types of vaccine
- live attenuated
- inactive killed
- subunit
- conjugated
- nucleic acid DNA
how does the live attenuated vaccine work?
mimic an actual infection
what are the advantages for live attenuated vaccine
lifelong immunity
95% effectiveness rate
the virus will replicate inside the body acting as a booster
no need for a booster
give examples for diseases that uses live attenuated vaccine
chickenpox herpes zoster measles mumps rubella
how do we kill the viruses for killed vaccine?
using phenol and formalin
is killed vaccine safer than live vaccines?
does killed vaccine require a booster shot?