Lesions and causes Flashcards
Scotoma of motion
damage to MT/V1 or V5 (global/peripheral)
see motion in only one direction
damage to MST/V3 (lobal motion)
directional pursuit deficit
damage to MST/V3
ipsiversive horizontal eye fields
Frontal eye fields
Dorsal vermis if hypometric
vertical pursuit deficit
This breaks the vertical = midbrain rule!
contraversive horizontal pursuit deficits + hypermetria
fastigial nuclei
dysfunction of VOR and pursuits
cerebral disease
dysfunction direction is same side as hemisphere w/ damage (ipsiversive)
mild pursuit and VOR cancellation deficits
one side of ventral paraflocculus (in cerebellum)
severe deficits in pursuits and VOR
bilateral lesions of both ventral paraflocculus (VPF) and flocculus
lesioned cerebellum structure that causes no effect on pursuit
bilateral flocculus (since lesions cancel each other)
opsoclonus, ipsiversive horizontal pursuit deficits
dorsal vermis
vergence control location
cerebrum (middle temporal lobe)
Brain lesion that would cause: Smooth vergence (NPC) deficits
MST/V3 (cerebrum)
Brain lesion that would cause: jump vergence and saccade deficits
voluntary vergence control center
frontal eye fields