Lens/Cataract/Operative Care Flashcards
EBMD (what type of staining shows up?)
Map/dot , fingerprint, negative staining
RPE mottling think…
Most advanced dry ARMD
Geographic maculopathy
Most common aging cataract
Myopic shift caused by what cataract?
Hyperopic shift caused by what cataract?
Cortical cataract (also armd)
Diseases that can induce cataract (pneumonic):
MAD Wilson Lacks Calcium M (myotinic dystrophy) A (Atopic derm) D (diabetes) Wilson's disease Lack of calcium
Drugs that can induce cataract (pneumonic):
CHAI-T C (chlorquine) H (hydroxycloroquine) A (amiodarone) I (indomethacin) T (tamoxifen)
Autosomal recessive means…
One must receive one gene from each parent
Wilson’s disease
Copper build up, Kayser-Fleischer ring, sunflower cataract, tremor of wrist, build up of copper in liver.
Myotonic dystrophy
mitotic pupils, ptosis, Christmas tree cataracts, ptosis, most common muscular dystrophy in adults
Most common cause of pre-senile cataract?
Diabetes (build up of sorbital in lens), cortical or snowflake cataract.
Atopic dermatitis can cause what kind of cataract?
Repeated x-rays can cause what kind of cataract?
What type of cataract is found in Wilson’s disease?
Sunflower cataract
What type of cataract is found in uncontrolled diabetes?
Cortical or snowflake cataract
Viagra can cause…
AION (controversial)
Alcohol can cause…
Flomax (terazosin)….can cause
Inoperative floppy iris syndrome (even when discontinue it)
Digoxin (digitalis)
Na K channel blocker, can cause blue/yellow color defect,
To see through a blocked view, ONH drusen
Axial length
BAT (brightness acuity test)
PAM (potential acuity meter)
Measures potential acuity after cataract surgery
Munson’s sign
V shaped eyelid when patient looks down, keratoconnus
Plaquinel is same as hydroxycloroquine
Bull’s eye maculopathy
If 4 or more think Gardener’s, colon cancer, polyps
Combination tx for toxoplasmosis
Pyrmethamine, sulfadiazine, clindamyacin
In corneal endothelium
Normal Hgb1a levels
For people without diabetes, the normal range for the hemoglobin A1c test is between 4% and 5.6%. Hemoglobin A1c levels between 5.7% and 6.4% indicate increased risk of diabetes, and levels of 6.5% or higher indicate diabetes.