LegMuscles Flashcards
Tibialis Anterior
O:Proximal 2/3 lateral surface of tibia and interosseus membraneI:Base of 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiformIN:Deep PeronealF:Strong Invertor and Dorsiflexor
Extensor Digitorum Longus
O:Proximal 3/4 anterior surface of fibula, lateral tibial condyle, and interosseous membraneI:Extensor expansion sheaths of 4 lateral toesIN:Deep peroneal nerveF:Strong ankle dorsiflexor, Pronation through STJ and MTJ, weak IP ext
Extensor Hallicus Longus
O:Middle 1/3 anterior surface of fibula and interosseus membraneI:Distal phalanx of big toeIN:Deep peroneal nerveF:Dorsiflexor of big toe, weak dorsiflexor of foot
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
O:Superior surface of calcaneusI:Extensor tendons of Extensor Digitorum Longus for the 2-4 toesIN:Deep Peroneal NerveF:Extensor of Toes
Extensor Hallicus Brevis
O:Medial portion of Extensor Digitorum BrevisI:Base of proximal phalange of the big toeIN:Deep Peroneal NerveF:Extensor of Big Toe
Peroneus Tertius
O:Continuous with lateral portion of Extensor Digitorum LongusI:Dorsal surface of 5th metatarsalIN:Deep peroneal nerveF:Weak dorsiflexor and everter of foot
Peroneus Longus
O:Proximal 2/3 lateral surface of the fibulaI:Base of the 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiformIN:Superficial PeronealF:Strong pronator (STJ, MT-LA)Stabilize 1st rayWeak Plantarflexor (TCJ)
Peroneus Brevis
O:Distal 2/3 lateral surface of the fibula I:Base of the fifth metatarsalIN:Superficial PeronealF:Weak pronator (ST and MT-OA)
O:Posterior aspect of medial and lateral epicondylesI:Becomes tendocalcaneus and inserts onto the posterior portion of calcaneusIN:Tibial nerveF:Plantarflexor of footKnee flexorSupinator
O:Proximal 1/3 of posterior aspect of tibia (soleal line) and fibulaI:Deep surface of tendocalcaneusIN:Tibial nerveF:Plantarflexor of foot (TCJ)Supinator (STJ)
O:Lateral femoral condyle (post aspect)I:Becomes the tendocalcaneus and inserts onto the the posterior portion of calcaneusIN:TibialF:Plantarflexor of footknee flexor
Tibialis Posterior
O:Proximal 2/3 posterior aspect of tibia, fibula, and interosseus membraneI:50% on Navicular, 50% on cuneiformsIN:TibialF:Strong Supinator (STJ)Plantarflexor (TCJ)
Flexor Digitorum Longus
O:Middle 1/2 posterior aspect of tibia, inferior to the soleal lineI:Splits into 4 brances which insert into the base of the distal phalanges (2-5)IN:TibialF:Strong plantar flexor (TCJ)Supinator (STJ)Weak MTP flexion
Flexor Hallicus Longus
O: Distal 2/3 of posterior aspect of interosseus membrane and fibulaI:Base of the distal 1st phalanxIN:Tibial NerveF:Strong plantar flexor (TCJ)Supinator (STJ)Weak Hallux Flexion
O:Lateral femoral epicondyle and meniscusI:Proximal 1/3 posterior aspect of tibiaIN:TibialF:Internal rotator of tibia on femurUnlocks extended kneePulls lateral meniscus posterior with flexion