Legislative Power Flashcards
Does Congress have a general police power?
No. However, Congress has police power type powers over the District of Columbia, federal lands, military bases, and Indian reservations.
What is the necessary and proper clause?
Congress can exercise the powers enumerated in the constitution (article 1, section 8) plus any powers necessary and proper to carry out any of its enumerated powers.
Congress has the power to make all laws necessary and proper to carry out any of the legislative powers enumerated in Art. 1, as long as…
…that law doesn’t violate another provision of the Constitution. This is a low hurdle, laws can be foolish just not irrational.
Can the Necessary and Proper Clause standing along support federal law?
No, must work in conjunction with another federal power.
Taxing and Spending Power
Congress has the power to tax and spend to provide for the general welfare. Taxing and spending may be for any public purpose not prohibited by Constitution.
Can Congress directly legislate for the general welfare?
No, nonspending regulations cannot be supported by the General Welfare Clause.
spending power conditions
Congress can impose conditions on the grant of money to state or local governments (strings).
When are strings valid?
These conditions are valid if they
(1) clearly stated
(2) relate to the purpose of the program
(3) not unduly coercive, and
(4) do not other violate constitution.
Will most federal taxes be upheld?
Yes, if they bear some reasonable relationship to revenue production or to promoting the general welfare.
rarely, a tax may be regarded as an impermissible regulatory “penalty” for example, if it seeks to compel rather than simply influence behavior.
what is the commerce power?
Congress has power to regulate all foreign and interstate commerce, as well as commerce with Indian tribes.
to be within commerce clause power, a federal law regulating interstate commerce must either:
regulate the channels
regulate the instrumentalities
regulate activities that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce
when can congress regulate instrastate commercial activitiy?
court will uphold the regulation if it can think of a rational basis on which Congress could conclude that the activity in the aggregate substantially affects interstate commerce.
(aggregate effect) if the regulated intrastate activity is not commercial or economic, the court generally will not aggregate the effect and….
…will uphold the regulation only if Congress can show that it nonetheless has a direct substantial economic effect on interstate commerce, which Congress typically cannot do.
what is the 10th amendment limitation?
Court has interpreted the 10th to preclude congress from regulating noneconomic intrastate activity in areas traditionally regulated by state or local governments.
Can congress compel activity?
No, the commerce clause gives Congress power only to regulate existing commercial activity; it does not give Congress power to compel activity.
(CC) Congress power to prohibit private discrimination
under CC, Congress may prohibit private discrimination in activities that might have a substantial effect on interstate commerce. Contrast with public discrimination, which Congress can directly regulate under its 14th amendment enforcement power.
economic regulation
economic regulation during war and in the postwar period to remedy wartime disruptions has been upheld.
Military Courts and tribunals
congress can make rules for the government and regulation of armed forces.
investigatory power
Congress has broad implied power to investigate to secure information for potential legislation or other official action. Investigation must be expressly or impliedly authorized by the appropriate congressional house.
subpoena of presidential information
under the investigatory power, Congress can subpoena the president’s personal information. Subpoena must advance a legitimate legislative purpose.
property power
Congress can dispose of and make rules for territories and other properties of the US.
no express limitation on power to dispose of federal property
federal takings of private property must be pursuant to an enumerated power under some other provision of Constitution.
postal power
congress has an exclusive postal power. Congress can place reasonable restrictions on use of mails but can’t deprive citizens of the general mail privilege.
power over citizenship
congress may establish uniform rules of naturalization. gives congress plenary power over aliens
exclusion of aliens
aliens have no right to enter the US and can be refused entry because of their political beliefs.
However, resident aliens must get notice and a hearing before deportation.
naturalization and denaturalization
congress has exclusive power over naturalization and denaturalization. However, Congress cannot take away the citizenship of any citizen - native-born or naturalized - without their consent.
admiralty power
power is plenary and exclusive unless Congress leaves maritime matters to state jurisdiction.
delegation of legislative power
congress can delegate rulemaking or regulatory power to executive or judicial as long as intelligible standards are set and the power isn’t something that is uniquely confined to congress. a general standard will usually work.
when an agency claims to be exercising broad power to adopt regulations that have extraordinary economic and political significance “major questions”, the court will look at both:
whether the agency has historically asserted such power AND whether there is clear congressional authorization for claimed power.
in major questions cases, modest, vague or subtle language cannot….
… support a broad delegation of power.
what two theories does congress use to pass a law?
Congress must use bicameralism (passage of a bill by both houses of Congress) followed by presentment to PResident for signature or veto.
Can congress give president a line item veto power?
No. Giving the president the power to cancel parts of a bill while approving others is unconstutional. Can only approve or reject as a whole.
can congress retain a legislative veto?
No, Congress cannot just give itself the authority to amend or repeal exisiting laws without undergoing bicameralism or presentment.
speech or debate clause - immunity for federal legislators
conduct that occurs in regular course of the federal legislative process and the motivation behind that conduct are immune from prosecution.