Legislation Lecture 3:Classification of Medicinal Products Flashcards
general sale list
pharmacy medicines
prescription only medicines
General Sale List (GSL)
These are MPs which can with reasonable safety be sold or supplied other than under the supervision of a pharmacist.
Conditions which apply
(a) Premises able to exclude the public
(b) Products manufactured elsewhere & sold in unopened containers
(c) Business must be carried out in accordance with prescribed conditions
Limits are imposed on the pack sizes of certain GSL products when sold from non pharmacy businesses.
If sold outside these limits they are classified as P or POM
Effervescent Aspirin ≯ 325mg Tabs - 30 tabs
Aspirin enteric coated tabs ≯75mg - 28 tablets
Paracetamol tabs/caps – 16 tablets
Aspirin Tabs/caps – 16 tablets
Ibuprofen Tabs/Caps – 16 tablets
Paracetamol liquid – 160ml (>12 years old)
Paracetamol liquid – 5ml unit dose and max of 20 doses (less than 12 years old))
Pharmacy Only (PO)Medicinal Products
PO: A substance which is licensed as a GSL medicinal product but the manufacturer stipulates that it be available only through pharmacies:
Eg Fybogel Sachets
Cystemme cystitis satchets 6 PO
Gaviscon Advance PO
PO - not an official class of MP under the HMR 2012
Pharmacy Medicines (P)
From HMR 2012: ..a medicinal product that is not a POM product or a medicinal product subject to general sale but is –
Covered by an authorisation which states that it should be available only from a pharmacy
MPs requiring more stringent control than GSL
There is no definitive list of P medicines – now within Marketing Authorisation.
MP is classified as P under following conditions
1. Is in GSL but
Sold in larger quantities than allowed by GSL
At higher concentration than specified by GSL
At higher dose than in GSL
2. Is POM but exempt on the grounds of
A. Dose B. Concentration (Strength)
C. Route of administration D. Use
3. Is not included in either GSL or POM list
4. Is made up in a Pharmacy and ingredients are not POM
E.g. two GSL products mixed together would be classed as a P medicine.
Supply of P medicines
A person may not sell or supply, or offer for sale or supply, a MP that is not subject to general sale, unless:
It is by a person lawfully conducting a retail pharmacy business
From premises that are a registered pharmacy
Acts under the supervision of a pharmacist.
A responsible pharmacist has taken control of premises
Supervision means that the Pharmacist must be aware of what is going on and must be in a position to intervene in the transaction.
This could change to a Pharmacy Professional
Could become remote supervision?
Obtaining a GSL or P Medicine
GSL from
registered pharmacy
non-pharmacy outlet under specified conditions
P from
registered pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist
Exemptions from POMEphedrine & Pseudoephedrine
Although exempted from POM classification under specified circumstances, additional restrictions on sale of products containing these substances was brought in in 2008 because of the potential for abuse
It is unlawful to supply without a prescription
A product or combination of products containing more than 720mg pseudoephedrine or 180mg ephedrine in a single transaction
A product containing ephedrine together with a product containing pseudoephedrine
Exemptions from POMExempted Controlled Drugs
All Controlled Drugs are POM but some CDs may be P under certain conditions
(i) In specified Pharmaceutical Form
(ii) In packages labelled to show dose not exceeding maximum
Not for veterinary use
Not exceeding specified strength of base
Codeine 1.5%
Dihydrocodeine 1.5%
Ethylmorphine 0.2%
Morphine 0.02% liquid 0.04% solid
Medicinal Opium 0.02% liquid 0.04% solid
Pholcodine 1.5%
New Medicinal Products
New MPs are POM for 5 years after first licensing unless there is existing evidence of safety
medicinal products
POM to P to GSL changes
POM to P when MP is safe to be supplied without a prescription and NOT
Likely to present danger to human health if used without the supervision of a prescriber
Frequently and to a great extent used incorrectly
Containing substances of which the activity or side effects require investigation
Normally prescribed for parenteral administration
P to GSL when MP is safe to be supplied without the supervision of a pharmacist
GSL to P to POM changes
GSL to P when MP is no longer safe to be supplied without the supervision of a pharmacist
P to POM if new risks are identified which require the involvement of a prescriber