Legislation and Advocacy Flashcards
JAN 2018- 4B
State 2 actions that Benelle should take.
Case study:
Given new meds, stress and withdrawal. Meds up to 5 hours late. Nurses are agressive and dismissive of feelings. Bennelle is a new nurse and witnesses discrimination.
Contact CQC, report to senior manager.
Identify the four most reasonable adjustments that the supermarket manager should make when trying to enable Tom to enable working.
Give Tom extra time to learn new tasks with the help of another staff member. Practice a one to one mentor to help Tom learn about the most accurate shelf filling. Reduce Tom hours in the till. Only have him on the till at quiet times.
June 2019 Q3(b)-
Match each role to an organization from the list:
Considers whether a drug or treatments benefits patients- NICE
Improves outcomes for individuals using NHS and social care settings- NICE
provides information for individuals so that they know their rights under the equality law- EHRC
Publishes inspection reports and if the setting does not meet the required standards can issue warning notices and fins- CQC
Registers and licenses care services- CQC
June 2018-
Key aspects of the children act 2004:
The welfare of a child is always paramount, children have the right to be consulted, created the role of a children commissioner to represent Childrens interests.
January 2018-
Outline the role of the national institute for health and social care excellence (NICE)
Assess new drugs and treatments as they come available, provide information services for those managing and providing HSC, improve outcomes for people using NHS and other and other HSC services, provide guidelines on how public HSC services can best support people.
January 2020-
List 3 ways that Steven could challenge discrimination
Report what has happened to his management company/employer, ask family member/friend to complain on his behalf, us complaint procedure/make a complaint.
Explain with at least 2 exams how Nina is using effective communication to ensure that children and families are being maintained
Supporting rights
Safe guarding
Protection from risks- gangs, sexual exploitation
Enables disclosure
Children protection plans
Children and families feel valued and protected
Empowers children and families
Raise3s self esteem
Ways the equality and human rights commission could help an individual who has been discriminated against:
Suggests ways to sort out the situation with the person or organization, it advises how to make to make a discrimination complaint, provides information about how to take a case to court .
Name an organization that provides advocacy services
British institute of learning disabilities
Describe at lease 2 ways in which an advocate can help individuals in need of care and support
Accompany an individual to a meeting
Attending a meeting for an individual
Helping an individual to find or obtain information
Name a piece of legislation for which “no decision about me without me” is a key aspect
Health and social care act of 2012
Paul is not offered the job. He decides to make a complaint about some of the interview questions he was asked. Name one organization that could provide Paul with advice about how to complain
NHS complaint procedure
Identify 4 key aspects of the mental capacity act 2005
-individuals must be provided with support in order for them to make their own decisions
- actions taking or decisions made must always be done in the individuals best interests
-gives people the right to make what others may regard as unwise or eccentric decisions
Outline the roll of the national Insitute for health and social care excellence (NICE)
Accesses new drugs and treatments
Provide evidence on how conditions should be treated
Provided information services
Guidelines on how public health and social care services can support people
2 residents Paul and Hardeep constantly argue about which programme to watch. How could the staff resolve this issue
A chat with both of them to clear the air, they may not understand that they are making other residents upset by arguing
A chat with both of them together to calmly put forward their views and be listened too, gives staff an opportunity to resolve the situation
January 2021- identify the piece of legislation that requires ‘reasonable adjustments’ to be made by employers for individuals with disabilities
The equality act 2010