Legislation Flashcards
Why do we have legislation?
Many UK water acts and public health acts were introduced in the 19th century to combat widespread disease and squalid conditions. 1954 John Snow provided evidence that cholera was water borne. 1952 a smog descended on London killing 4000 people resulting in 1956 and 1968 clean air acts.
European Directives
Legal instruments which set objectives and allow any member stage to implement their own legal framework.
Water Framework Objective
This is supported by other key objective that provide an integrated approach to the control of point and diffuse pollution.
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
Aims to reduce industrial pollution as an integrated system by setting emission limits. Supported by Environmental Permitting Regulations.
Aims to protect water from agricultural runoff, for example in nitrate vulnerable zones farmers must observe an action plan. Supported by Nitrate Pollution Prevention Regulations.
Bathing Water
Aims to protect public health from sewage pollution at designated bathing waters such as setting microbiological parameters to mandatory levels. Supported by Bathing Water Regulations.
Urban Waste Water Treatment
Protect the environment from the effects of urban and industrial discharge such as setting a minimum standard for effluent. Supported by Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations.
Drinking Water
Protect human health by ensuring drinking water is wholesome and clean such as setting standards for levels of microorganisms and chemicals. Supported by Water Supply Regulations.
Water Framework Directive
Implemented in UK law in 2003 as the most important piece of water legislation for 30 years. Its a holistic approach to the protection, improvement and sustainable use of all Europe’s water bodies through catchment management.
Was brought together by the River Basin Management Plans in 2009.
Aims of the Water Framework Directive:
- Prevent further deterioration, protect and enhance the status of aquatic ecosystems
- Promote sustainable consumption of water
- Reduce pollution of waters from priority substances
- Prevent deterioration ins the status of groundwater
- Reduce the effects of floods and droughts
Objectives of the Water Framework Directive:
- Provide sufficient supply of water to provide for sustainable, balanced and fair water use
- Significantly reduce pollution in both ground and surface water that have continued to show an overall reduction in the quality
- Protect the marine environment by reducing concentration of pollutants
Water Framework Directive Statement
“Water is not a commercial product like any other, but, rather a heritage which must be protected, defended and treated as such”
Groundwater directive
Sets standards and limits input to groundwater.
Environmental Quality Standards
Another supporting directive to the WFD. Sets the limits for priority substances. These are based on the lowest concentration of the substance recorded as producing any physiological effect on a test organism.
Challenges identified by the River Basin Management Plan:
The challenges identified by the plan:
- Point source pollution from sewage treatment works and industry
- Diffuse agricultural and urban pollution
- Water abstraction
- Disused mines
- Invasive species