Legal vs. Ethical Quiz Flashcards
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT alter medical records ________
- NOT alter medical records - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT offer or accept payment for referrals ________
- NOT offer or accept payment for referrals - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT treat any person with whom the therapist had a previous sexual relationship. ________
- NOT treat any person with whom the therapist had a previous sexual relationship.- ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- When in another location, provide local emergency resources________
- When in another location, provide local emergency resources- ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Inform clients of the limits of confidentiality ________
- Inform clients of the limits of confidentiality - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Avoid treatment disruptions by providing contact info, appropriate termination, and a professional will ________
- Avoid treatment disruptions by providing contact info, appropriate termination, and a professional will - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Work within the MFT scope of practice ________
- Work within the MFT scope of practice - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT condone or engage in discrimination ________
- NOT condone or engage in discrimination - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Assess and document the assessment of a client’s potential for committing violence. (Duty to Protect) ________
- Assess and document the assessment of a client’s potential for committing violence. (Duty to Protect) - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Inform client or treatment unit of any potential consequences of therapistclient role changes ________
- Inform client or treatment unit of any potential consequences of therapistclient role changes - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Provide services that display cultural competence ________
- Provide services that display cultural competence - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Comply with HIPAA standards if a covered HIPAA entity ________
- Comply with HIPAA standards if a covered HIPAA entity - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Provide appropriate referrals if needed ________
- Provide appropriate referrals if needed - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Consider appropriateness of electronic therapy and inform clients of potential risks ________
- Consider appropriateness of electronic therapy and inform clients of potential risks - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Avoid sexual relationship with a patient or patient’s immediate family members ________
- Avoid sexual relationship with a patient or patient’s immediate family members - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Keep clinically sound medical records ________
- Keep clinically sound medical records – both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Avoid dual relationships with clients and supervisees ________
- Avoid dual relationships with clients and supervisees -ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Maintain clinical sound medical record for 7 years or until a minor client is
25 ________
- Maintain clinical sound medical record for 7 years or until a minor client is
25 - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Take “appropriate preventive measures” to avert harm to suicidal clients.
(Duty to Protect) ________
- Take “appropriate preventive measures” to avert harm to suicidal clients.
(Duty to Protect) - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT engage in false or misleading advertising ________
- NOT engage in false or misleading advertising - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Work jointly with clients to develop treatment plans that are consistent with patient treatment goals________
- Work jointly with clients to develop treatment plans that are consistent with patient treatment goals - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT abandon or neglect a client ________
- NOT abandon or neglect a client - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Obtain informed consent for telemedicine ________
- Obtain informed consent for telemedicine - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT engage in sexual relations with client or terminate therapy in order to engage in a sexual relationship with clients ________
- NOT engage in sexual relations with client or terminate therapy in order to engage in a sexual relationship with clients - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Continue the therapeutic relationship only if it is reasonably clear the client is benefiting ________
- Continue the therapeutic relationship only if it is reasonably clear the client is benefiting - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Report suspected elder abuse/neglect immediately and file a report within
2 days. ________
- Report suspected elder abuse/neglect immediately and file a report within
2 days. - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Respect the rights of patients to make their own decisions ________
- Respect the rights of patients to make their own decisions - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Provide adequate information about therapy including potential risks and benefits ________
- Provide adequate information about therapy including potential risks and benefits - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Inform clients of availability for emergencies and other contact between sessions ________
- Inform clients of availability for emergencies and other contact between sessions - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Keep records locked and secure at all times ________
- Keep records locked and secure at all times - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT maintain a therapeutic relationship solely for financial gain________
- NOT maintain a therapeutic relationship solely for financial gain- ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Obtain a signed release to share information/records ________
- Obtain a signed release to share information/records - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Report suspected child abuse/neglect immediately and file a report within 36 hours ________
- Report suspected child abuse/neglect immediately and file a report within 36 hours - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT use their professional relationship to further their own interests________
- NOT use their professional relationship to further their own interests- ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Avoid treating a client who is receiving treatment from another therapist except by agreement with that therapist ________
- Avoid treating a client who is receiving treatment from another therapist except by agreement with that therapist - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Educate group therapy members about confidentiality and are encouraged to obtain written agreement from group members ________
- Educate group therapy members about confidentiality and are encouraged to obtain written agreement from group members - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Notify local law enforcement when a client has made a specific and serious (i.e., imminent) threat to an identifiable other ________
- Notify local law enforcement when a client has made a specific and serious (i.e., imminent) threat to an identifiable other - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Process the need to file a child abuse report ________
- Process the need to file a child abuse report - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Advise patients of the information that will likely be disclosed to a third party payer ________
- Advise patients of the information that will likely be disclosed to a third party payer - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Consider potential conflicts when treating multiple parties of a treatment unit ________
- Consider potential conflicts when treating multiple parties of a treatment unit - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Strive to identify and understand the diverse cultural backgrounds of their clients ________
- Strive to identify and understand the diverse cultural backgrounds of their clients - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Discuss appropriate treatment alternatives________
- Discuss appropriate treatment alternatives- ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Disclose fees before onset of treatment ________
- Disclose fees before onset of treatment - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT submit false treatment claims to third party payers ________
- NOT submit false treatment claims to third party payers - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Make efforts to understand how their own values/beliefs affect the process of therapy ________
- Make efforts to understand how their own values/beliefs affect the process of therapy - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Document treatment decisions in record and maintain clinically sound records ________
- Document treatment decisions in record and maintain clinically sound records - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Stay current with developments in the field through educational activities or clinical experience ________
- Stay current with developments in the field through educational activities or clinical experience - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Maintain confidentiality except when mandated or permitted by law to break it ________
- Maintain confidentiality except when mandated or permitted by law to break it - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Obtain signed authorization to release records ________
- Obtain signed authorization to release records - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Manage issues of privilege when records are requested in a legal proceeding ________
- Manage issues of privilege when records are requested in a legal proceeding - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT alter diagnoses or treatment unit in order to get paid ________
- NOT alter diagnoses or treatment unit in order to get paid - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Store records, transport and dispose of records in ways that protect confidentiality ________
- Store records, transport and dispose of records in ways that protect confidentiality - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Provide services within their scope of competence as determined by their education, skills, and training ________
- Provide services within their scope of competence as determined by their education, skills, and training - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Seek professional assistance for personal problems that impair performance ________
- Seek professional assistance for personal problems that impair performance - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Display license publically in treatment office ________
- Display license publically in treatment office - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Inform the clients of the therapist’s professional background ________
- Inform the clients of the therapist’s professional background - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Obtain signed authorization from every member of treatment unit who is old enough to consent to release information ________
- Obtain signed authorization from every member of treatment unit who is old enough to consent to release information - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Give reasonable notice to patients with unpaid balances of their intent to refer to collections or sue ________
- Give reasonable notice to patients with unpaid balances of their intent to refer to collections or sue - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT solicit clients from other therapists or encourage clients to leave other therapists ________
- NOT solicit clients from other therapists or encourage clients to leave other therapists - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Obtain informed consent of adults ________
- Obtain informed consent of adults - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Ordinarily refrain from bartering for services unless it is suitable to accept barter as payment ________
- Ordinarily refrain from bartering for services unless it is suitable to accept barter as payment - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Assist colleagues who are impaired due to substance use, emotional problems or mental illness ________
- Assist colleagues who are impaired due to substance use, emotional problems or mental illness - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Obtain written consent from a patient to use their clinical information in a presentation ________
- Obtain written consent from a patient to use their clinical information in a presentation - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Take reasonable steps to prevent distortion of their research or clinical background ________
- Take reasonable steps to prevent distortion of their research or clinical background - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Disclose owner and license info if using a fictitious name ________
- Disclose owner and license info if using a fictitious name - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Not solicit testimonials from clients ________
- Not solicit testimonials from clients - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Not use names that mislead public ________
- Not use names that mislead public - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT financially exploit clients ________
- NOT financially exploit clients - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Articulate “secrets policy” when working with families and couples. ________
- Articulate “secrets policy” when working with families and couples. - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Represent themselves as an expert or having a specialization ONLY if they have the training to meet the professional standards in that specialty area ________
- Represent themselves as an expert or having a specialization ONLY if they have the training to meet the professional standards in that specialty area - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Seek consultation when clinically appropriate ________
- Seek consultation when clinically appropriate - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Management of office policies ________
- Management of office policies - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Obtain signed informed consent of minors ________
- Obtain signed informed consent of minors - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Management of countertransference ________
- Management of countertransference - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Marriage and family therapists do not give to or receive from clients, gifts that impair the integrity or efficacy of the therapeutic relationship________
- Marriage and family therapists do not give to or receive from clients, gifts that impair the integrity or efficacy of the therapeutic relationship- ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Disclose fees and management of fee payment ________
- Disclose fees and management of fee payment - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT withhold records because a client has not paid for services________
- NOT withhold records because a client has not paid for services- both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Accurately represent their qualifications ________
- Accurately represent their qualifications - both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Process the need to file an elder / dependent adult abuse report ________
- Process the need to file an elder / dependent adult abuse report - ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Truthfully represent clinical services rendered for payment to third party pay ________
- Truthfully represent clinical services rendered for payment to third party pay -both
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Advocate for necessary services and challenge denial of payments________
- Advocate for necessary services and challenge denial of payments- ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Obtain written consent to recording a session or permitting a third party observation ________
- Obtain written consent to recording a session or permitting a third party observation – legal and ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Provide necessary translation or help with communication if it is perceived that communication is not clear due to impairments or fluency issues.________
- Provide necessary translation or help with communication if it is perceived that communication is not clear due to impairments or fluency issues- ethical
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- Provide the BBS brochure “Professional Therapy Never Includes Sex” to any adult client who reports sex with a previous therapist ________
- Provide the BBS brochure “Professional Therapy Never Includes Sex” to any adult client who reports sex with a previous therapist - legal
Is the Issue Legal, Ethical, or Both.
- NOT exert undue influence on the choice of treatment based on their own values/beliefs ________
- NOT exert undue influence on the choice of treatment based on their own values/beliefs - ethical