Legal unit 2 oat 1 Flashcards
Negligence def
when someone owes a duty of care to another person and breached that duty, causing harm or loss to another person
Trespass def
When someone interferes with another person, their land or their goods, and that interference causes damage
Defamation def
Publication of material that causes damage to another person’s reputation
Nuisance def
Relates to a person’s right to use and enjoy both public and private property
Wills and inheritance def
Regulate wills, including when they are valid
Cover the validity of contracts (i.e legal agreements) and the rights available to a person if a valid contract has been breached
The defendant failed to observe a law or obligation imposed on them - the breaking or failure to fulfil or comply with a duty or obligation
Contract law
An agreement between two parties has been breached
Plaintiff must prove that the defendant’s actions caused or resulted in the harm suffered by the plaintiff
A plaintiff can only obtain a legal remedy, such as damages, if it can be proven that they have suffered loss or harm
Limitation of action
Time period within a wronged party can sue the wrongdoer - can be extended
Burden of proof
Responsibility of proving facts of the case lies with the plaintiff
The standard of proof
Balance of probabilities - plaintiff more likely to be right, defendant more likely to be wrong
Class action
Group proceeding - seven or more people have claims against the same party of the same circumstances
Specific damages
Remedy that can be given a precise monetary value
General damages
Remedy that is not easily quantifiable
Aggravated damages
Can be awarded to compensate the plaintiff further
Rights protected by defamation laws
The right to freedom of expression, and the right to be considered of good character and rep, and the right of people whose rep has been harmed to seek remedies
Elements required to establish liability for defamation
The statement is untrue and the material has or is likely to cause serious harm to the rep of the plaintiff