Legal Studies - PART B Flashcards
How should you start your written exam?
The legal issue is…
What should be included in your Intro?
- what legal issue is
- why it’s a problem
- context/background
Is the Intro seperate from Nature?
What should you focus on for Nature?
- essence and elements
- what is the issue/contrversy/debate
- define the issue
- significance of the issue
- why does issue exist?
Is Nature its own paragraph or can I include it with Scope?
What does Scope include?
- extent (how big) of problem
- who is affected
result/effect on stakeholders:
society/ parties involved /people/WHO? - given how many people are involved = what’s the importance of the issue
- which juristiction is responsible (federal/state/courts/police)
Does Scope come first or Nature?
- Intro
- Nature
- Scope
- Viewpoint
- Alternatives
- Recommendations
- Conclusion
What does Viewpoint invlove?
varying opinion
(from SOURCES - expert opinion) - must reference sources
- pick 2 different/opposing sides
- side with one
- MUST use direct quotes
Recommendations are always before Alternatives? No?
1. Intro
2. Nature
3. Scope
4. Viewpoint
5. Alternatives
6. Recommendations
7. Conclusion
What should I focus on for my Alternative paragraph?
- 2 different things instead of legal issue
- discuss implications (legal criteria - can’t offend rule of law/just and equitable outcomes)
- discuss consequnces/implications of the not as good alternative (show why )
Should my Recommendation be the worser of my 2 Alternatives?
NO: Your Recommendation is always the better of your 2 Alternatives
What does the Reccomendation mean?
- better alternative
- chosen because it upholds rule of law /just & equitable outcomes
- implications /outcomes: positive AND negative
What should the Conclusion be?
A summary of evrything stated in Intro.
What’s a stakeholder and where would I talk about them?
- persons/parties involved
- discuss in Scope
What is the legal criteria? What’s its importance?
- rule of law/just &equitable outcomes
- applies to Alternatives
When I make my Recommendation in my second-last paragraph how do I talk about my chosen** Alternative**?
Discuss both positive AND negative implications/outcomes of alternative chosen.
What Juristiction is responsible for Jury? Where should I mention this?
- Court/State
- Scope
How many mebers of Jury are there?
How is the Jury chosen at random?
The electoral roll
At what offences are the Jury present at?
Indictable offences (serious offence e.g. murder)
Is Jury ‘majority rules’ when reaching a decision?
No. A Jury must be unanimous with everyone in agreement - their decision must also be satisfiable beyond reasonable doubt
What is Jury reform?
- people not wanting Jurys in court cases
instead: - Judge only trials
- trial by panel
- professional judges
What happens if the Jury can’t reach a decision?
Considered a ‘hung jury’ and case must begin again later with a new jury (brand new 12 people)
What is the idea behind having a Jury?
‘Trial by peers’