Legal Professionals - Lawyers* Flashcards
What does the role as a Solicitor involve?
A Solicitor will: represent clients in court, advocate, writie wills, draft documents and advise clients.
In which court(s) do Solicitors have Rights of Audience?
Solicitors have rights of audience in Magistrates’ Courts.
Solicitiors are able to train to gain higher rights of audience under what legislature?
The Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 allows solicitors train for higher Rights of Audience.
Who governs Solicitors?
Solicitors are governed by the Law Society.
Who regulates Solicitors?
Solicitors are regulated by the Solicitor’s Regulation Authourity (SRA).
If a client has a general complaint with a Solicitor, who deals with this complaint?
The Legal Ombudsman deals with all general complaints.
In the event of professional misconduct, what would the client do? i.e Whom they report it to?/ What they then do?
In the event of professional misconduct, the client should report it to the SRA. The SRA can make the Solicitor pay compensation. Whereas a Solicitors’s Disciplinary Tribunal can ‘Strike off’ a Solicitor.
What does the role of a Barrister involve?
Barristers’ roles include: advocacy, advising Solicitors, representing client in Court and drafting documents.
What does a Barrister’s role involve?
Representing clients, advocacy, advising solicitors and drafting documents.
Name the governing body of Barrister’s.
The General Council of the Bar govern Barristers.
Who regulates Barristers?
The Bar Standards Board (BSB) regulate barristers.
Who can ‘strike off’ a barrister for professional misconduct?
The Council of the Inns of Court can ‘strike off’ (disbar) a barrister.
True of false? the Legal Ombudsman deals with all general complaints for barristers?
True. The Legal Ombudsman deals with all general complaints regarding barristers.
Give examples of roles of a Legal Executive.
Legal executives’ work includes: jacting on behalf of a client, summarising legal information, drafting documents, writing wills and writing to clients.
True or False? Legal Executives cannot qualify for higher rights of audience.
False. Legal Executives are able to qualify for higher Rights of Audience.
What is the governing body for legal executives?
The Chartered Institute for Legal Executives (CILEx) is the main governing body for Legal Executives.
In the event of professional misconduct, who can ‘strike off’ the Legal Executive?
The Professional Conduct Panel can ‘strike off’ a Legal Executive.
What type of Lawyer has the highest rights of audience?
Barristers have the highest rights of audience as they can advocate in all courts.