Ligature around base of finger will show no change in color if the person is dead
Magnus test
Injection of fluorescein to check if circulation is present. Whole skin will show greenish discoloration
Icards test
I = Inject
Finger webs appear red in living, yellow in dead
Diaphanous test
Place water or mercury in saucer over the chest. No movement in light reflection = Dead
Winslow test
W = water
Cooling of the dead body
Algor mortis
Post mortem suggilation
Livor mortis
Or cadaveric lividity / Hypostasis
Due to solidification of fats when body is exposed to freezing temp
Cold Stiffening
Weapon held in hand before death and removed with difficulty
Cadaveric spasm
Occurs immediately after death vs rigor mortis (3-6hrs)
Breaking down of proteins into simpler components -> foul smelling gas and change body color
During decomposition, there is prominent superficial veins with red discoloration on the flank, neck, shoulder
Order of putrefaction when in water
Face - shoulder - arms - abdomen - legs
Special putrefaction where fatty tissues are transformed into adipocere (brown)
Special putrefaction where body is dehydrated
Special putrefaction in death of fetus in utero
- softening of tissues when in a fluid medium in absence of microbes
Criteria of death applied to potential organ donors
Brain death
- irreversible coma, cannot resuscitate
Transient “death” seen in uremia, cataplexy.
Apparent death / state of suspended animation
Type of death where the physician declares a person has expired (complete cessation of vital functions)
Somatic death
Clinical death
Injury or disease responsible for physiologic disturbance leading to death
CAUSE of death
Physiologic derangement or biochemical disturbance incompatible with life
MECHANISM of death
Explanation how the cause of death arose
Eg. violent vs natural
MANNER of death
Violent death with no external evidence
Medicolegal Masquerade
Sexually mature women without intercourse, hymen intact and small opening
TRUE physical virginity
vs. False = hymen unruptured but orifice is wide (2 fingers)
Woman permits any sexual liberties but abstain rupturing the hymen
Truly Virgin woman
Virgo Intacta
Virginity in females below puberty, not knowing the nature of sex
Moral virginity
Laceration of hymen is more than half but has not reached base
Superficial, deep, complete, compound
Stunning of brain, complete suspension of function
Commotio cerebri / cerebral concussion
Tear of skin due to blunt instrument
Seduction of a virgin over 12, under 18
Seduction by abuse of authority
Seduction of non virgin over 12 under 18