Fingerprinting is considered to be the best valuable method of identification. It is universally used because fingerprints until decomposition are not changeable by the time they are formed in the fetus suring pregnancy in the
fourth week
spread fingers wide and view through strong light
Diaphanus Test
Blood that does not clot and acidic in ph with the presence of epithelial cells and dodarlain microorganisms
Menstrual blood
This test is positive to any substance containing hemoglobin
Takayama Test
The test used to determine whether semen is if human irigin or not
DNA typing method where the small sample size is chemically amplified to produce large amounts
Polymerase Chain Reaction Method
Indentations left in soft or pliable materials belong to what type of fingerprints
art and study of recording fingerprints as a means of identification
What us the source when blood is dark red in color and has a low oxygen content in a crime scene
The race of a living person may be presumed in the features of the face. A person with thick lips and prominent eyes is presumed a
Chemical test that is used to determine if the stain is of blood origin or not
Benzidine Test
The art of identification of fingerprints by comparison
A reddish cake brown material was found on the sleeve of the suspects shirt. The test that is used to determine whether the stain is blood or not
Icards Test
Hair that is fine deficient of pigments and devoid of medulla belongs to
Old person
Fingerprint may persist if not removed at the scene for
One way to determine whether hair is if human origin or animal origin
by determination of medullary index
One method to approximate the height if the cadaver with the extremities missing is to measure
length of the head times eight
In the ordinary method of human identification applicable to the living person, the fascies is a characteristic not easily changed. Which appearance of the face is indicative of approaching death?
Hippocratic fascies
Barr bodies observed in scraping if the mucus membrane of the mouth a test ti determine the sex of the body is
Chromosomal Test
A method of identification wherein a verbal, accurate and picturesque description of the person identified
Portrait parle
This is quantitative determination of the chloride content of the blood in the right and left ventricle of the heart
Gettler’s Test
A common law husband who kills his common law wife with whom he has 2 days old child can be prosecuted for
It is an expressed acknowledgement by the accused in a criminal case of the truth of his guilt as the crime charged
The presence of weapon which is highly grasp by the hand of a victim of a shooting incident is an example of
Cadaveric spasm
Cases when trauma or disease kill quickly that there is no opportunity for sequel or complication to develop is known as
Immediate cause of death
the comphrehensive study of a dead body performed by trained physician employing recognized procedures and techniques
The principle used in the Magnus test for determining somatic death is
No change in color of the finger
When the body surface of corpse is pressed it leaves a flattened are due to
Loss of elasticity of the skin
Permission to disinter remains of persons who died of dangerous communicable diseases maybe granted after aburial period of
5 years
The most prominent sign of death is
progressive fall of the body temperature
should be tested in suspected cases of lead poisoning
The condition where the body becomes soft and flaccid after the disappearance of rigor mortis us called
Stage of secondary flaccidity
the medico legal importance of post mortem lividity is
reliable sign of death
Tardieu spots are associated with
The state if complete cessation of respiration and other bital functions of the brain heart etc which maintain life and health. It occurs the moment the physician or other people declare the person has expired and some signs are present and hardly possible to determine the time exactly is termed as
Somatic death
In cases if murders it is important to note the state of the body when found as there is a chronological sequence of putrefactive changes. When the body is found alreasy skeletonized the approximate time of death us about
1 month or more
the presence of many stab wounds inflicted on a victim who died points to
A post mortem wound differs from ante mortem wound in that
there is no clotting of blood
the most important seterminant in the wounding capacity of a bullet is
Bullet momentum
The physical phenomenon when there is more shocking or knock diwn power of the bullet is
Shock wave