Legal Latin phrases Flashcards
actio in rem
action for a thing
ab initio
from the beginning
ad litem
for the purpose of a lawsuit
animus testandi
the intention of making a will
audi alteram partem
here the other side
bona fide
in good faith
new, modern meaning:
caveat emptor
let the buyer beware
caveat scriptor
let the signer beware
compos mentis
sound of mind
culpa lata
gross negligence
curator bonis
a guardian for goods or estate
de facto
according to fact
de jure
according to law
de minimis non curat lex
the law takes no account of trifles
doli capax
capable of crime
doli incapax
incapable of crime
criminal intention
ex facie
at face value
ex parte
from one party
habeas corpus
you must have the person (physically present in court before a judge)
in loco parentis
in the place of a parent
in re
in the matter of
inter alia
among other things
ipso facto
by the fact itself
ipso jure
by the law itself
justa causa
just cause
locus standi
a right to appear in court
mala fide
in bad faith
mens rea
guilty mind; criminal intention
modus operandi
matter of working
non compos mentis
not sound of mind
obiter dictum
incidental remark; non-binding opinion
per annum
per year
per capita
per head
per se
by itself
persona non grata
an unacceptable person
prima facie
at first glance
pro forma
as a matter of form
pro rata
according to one’s share
qui facit per alium facit per se
one who does something through another does it by himself
quid pro quo
one thing for another
sine qua non
without which not; a necessary condition
sub judice
under the judge