Legal Jargon Flashcards
novus actus interveiniens
remoteness of the consequences
injuria sine damnum
violation of legal rights with out causage of damage
damnum sine injuria
causage of damage with the violation of legal rights
volenti non fit injuria
voluntary taking of risk
vis major/ force majeouvre
act of god
ignorentia juris non excusat
ignorence of law is no excuse
qui facit per alium facit per se
He who does an act through another is deemed in law to do it himself
doctrine of res ipsa loquitor
the thing speaks for itself [strong element of negligence present ]
prima facie
sufficient to establish a fact or raise a presumption unless disproved or rebutted
ubi jus lemi remidium
where there is a right there is a remedy
actus reus ; mens rea
guilty act;guilty mind
corpus delicti
body of crime
de minimis non curat lex
the law does not concern itself with trivial things
stare decisis
to stand by things decided
nudum pactum
a bare promise
consensus ad idem
agreeing to the same thing with the same sense
in good faith
lox loci
law of the land
lex fori
law of the foreign land
in pari materia
in the same matter
ex injuria jus non oritur
law does arise from injustice
doli incapax
incapable of guilt
audi alteram partem
hear the other side
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit non qui negat
the burden of proof rests on who asserts, not on who denies