legal factors Flashcards
all businesses are affected by legislation including :
- company law
- health & safety law
- data protection law
- competition law
- employment law
- intellectual property law
- consumer protection law
what is the purpose of legislation in business ?
business law encompasses all laws that state how to set up and run a business
what is the company law ?
this regulates how private and public limited companies operate
includes : how limited companies are formed, the information that must be publicly available, the format of financial accounts and the type of shareholders permitted
what is consumer protection ?
businesses have to comply with a range of legislation that protects consumers such as the consumer protection act and the data protection act
there are laws designed to protect the consumer from unscrupulous firms
what areas does consumer protection cover ?
- safety of goods
- labelling
- the right to return goods
- the right to money back
- protection against untruthful claims about the product or service
do you think health and safety concerns will arise regularly for a food retailer such as Tesco, will this have a largely negative consequence on them ?
- yes it will arise regularly for food retailers and other businesses
- doesn’t have a largely negative impact of they wouldn’t continue doing it
what is intellectual property law ?
this covers the legal rights of individuals and companies in regard to designs, inventions and artistic works
what does trademark legislation cover ?
- intellectual property law
what does patent law cover ?
- intellectual property law
what does copyright law provide ?
- intellectual property law
the law means that it is an offence to do any of the following without the consent of the owner ?
- copyright law
- adapt the work in any way
- perform, broadcast or show the work in public
- copy the work : rent, lend or issue copies of the work to the public
what is the competition policy ?
legislation designed to prevent monopolies and collusion
this may restrict businesses that are trying to grow inorganically or those that grow organically but are a monopoly
why may controlling these monopolies may not always be beneficial ?
- competition law
- don’t want to restrict them
what are the main aims of competition legislation ?
- widen consumer choice in markets for goods and services
- ensure effective price competition between suppliers
- deal with anti-competitive behaviour which might have a negative effect on consumers
what is data protection ?
data protection is concerned with how personal data gathered by organisations is used and kept secure
businesses are required to have a data protection officer whose role is to ensure that the requirements of the data protection act are met
how should the data gathered from customers and clients be used ?
- used fairly and lawfully
- used for a limited, specifically stated purposes
- used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive
- accurate
- kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary
- handled according to people’s data protection rights
- kept safe and secure
what happens if businesses fail to protect data ?
can be subject to large fines
very much on the increase and it is an issue that businesses are urgently attempting to address
what is the health and safety law ?
employers have a duty to take all reasonable care to ensure the well-being and safety of their employees